Lupan Estil Troy

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"Lupan! how was the dungeon?"

Lupan Estil Troy is a heavy dullahan knight that was betrayed who've used him and then left him to die alone from in game. His armor was pure black, a hard detail to miss was Lupan's neck. It was a locked iron choker with a white crystal visible in the middle of where Lupan's neck is.

"It was really hard! I'll have you know Momonga that i almost died to every trap when I was done with that ridiculous hundred golem boss! Poison spiked acid booby traps and magma floors had me trapped. Unbelievable"

The undead lich sweat dropped as he heard Lupan ranted with his almost death experiences. He smiled in amusement and chuckled nervously, " are you still playing missions when the game is about to shut down in three hours"

"Well we still have time for one more hunt don't we? but getting on a more seriously topic, have the others responded or...arrived?"

"Ah not yet but I have this little celebration to use fireworks using the fifth floor as a good place to see the fireworks." Lupan was shining with sparks and expressing a happy emoticon and almost shaking, impossible really, directed at him.

"Lets get going then huh? Yes! I never get tired of the floors especially on floor five oh and- "

In the end only one of them came...
It hurt but not honestly surprised when not even anyone came to say goodbye because of wives, work or family issues. Herohero had arrived and logged off quickly, the conversation was kinda ignored by Lupan's short attention expand, and in the silence he saw momonga slam his hands down with anger. He yelled and complained to lupan but calmed down to not blame the other 37 players that wanted to be in the real world.

Lupan sent a sad face," hey why don't we head to the throne room to let the moment sink in, "Momonga looked at the floating staff of Ains Ooal Gown, Momonga silently walked to the staff and looked towards Lupan, "yeah... would it be fine to hold this one last time old friend? Would it dis- " Lupan interrupted him," Nah besides they're not here. They won't even know anything because...well we won't play again. You may as well just have fun today and remember this great memory -" Momonga quickly grabbed the staff and dragged lupan to walk to stop his ongoing talk.

"Ok, ok I got it lupan. Please don't turn it into one of your sentiment talks, you always do to guilt us into doing it." He joked teasingly at the dullahan, Lupan looked straight at Momonga and glared and groaned, but saw how he commanded the ple ple pleiades battle maids to follow from behind.

Momonga walked to sit on the throne with Lupan aside him "Well only seven minutes left...bow down" The NPC's kneeled in silence and Lupan closed his eyes until he heard Momonga shuffle with his clothes while on the mic. "What are you doing?"

"Huh..." Lupan's burrowed his real eyes and opened in confusion, looking at Momonga with a menu shown with Albedos settings on. Sending a evil smug emoticon "Heh. what are you doing. Are you-" Momonga snapped his neck, "Eh! No. What- n-no!" Lupan could just feel his friend blushing with embarrassment. Lupan checked the time, "two minutes left Momonga."

"Well it's been a good run Lupan I really enjoyed your company during this final moments of yggdrasill."

"Twelve years Momonga! it's been an amazing and memorable game."








Lupan opens his eyes to looking at a visually fully detailed throne room that looks very familiar to the room that they just entered to let the game shut down and then go to sleep.

Lupan tilted (wow is this a be sort of update?) his helmet and found himself in a huge similar throne/battle room.
Where he saw the maids and then Momonga speaking of the GM, when albedo speaks to them.

"My Lords? Lord Momonga? Are you okay?"

Albedo's expression was concern
Albedo's expression? Isn't she a NPC and the rest of the...
Others kneeling and sebas tian looking up with concern too.

"Everything's fine albedo" he said and-

Wait that was him?
Wow. His voice was different.

Before his voice was always scraping or a bit hoarse but this(his) voice was actually pretty sexy honestly like a Panther purring. He wouldn't admit it but he actually was surprised that he even said that to her. In IRL, he would die before ordering that to anyone.

He wasn't an outgoing person and it was opposite to online games. Momonga looked to you and was actually shocked too but he glowed and then he agreed to lupan as well.

Huh. That was weird.

Albedo seemed to shake off the worry and looked relieved," Of course my Lords forgive my insolence of questioning you."
"It's nothing to fret about albedo"

'Lupan can you hear me?'

'Yep and I really want to ask... What the hell is going on. How or when did we get here?!'

'I have no clue lupan, but I tried to go on gm and I got nothing and well you seen albedo. she was talking to us. Like a real person'

While Momonga talked to Albedo he could sense his people around them and then he could feel someone that he seems to familiar with, like a... family member but back then he wasn't close with his family. So it has to be someone-

"Father I've returned from my duties and I received 40 silver for it." A white woman that was in a white and yellow trimmed uniform was walking with a brown bag of money?






Enjoy this. :3

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