Post-Arena and Carne Village

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Shalltear was the first to arrive then one by one they all arrived and were situated to where and what they were doing

Transporting away in a invisible tension and sweat for the gathering with there friends intense creations, they were kind of caught with their 'pants down'.

"Well Momonga that was rather intense."

"They were praising you, just as much as they were for me!"

"Which is too much stress put on my back since they look to us for leadership and advice. I'm not ready for this kind of worshiping, especially not from my nephew!" His entire black armor, sagged with relief with the tension of what happened previously when Momonga inquired out what has happened when Sebas reported of their guild being somehow "moved" into a clear plain grassy area that was not where they were held in before. "You can send me messages can't you? I want to explore what we can do physical now"

"You mean eating the food that used to give us buffs and experience?"

"Tomato-Tamato, you lack the true vision of a benefit of this weird, real world now Momonga."

Momonga gave him an extra hard deadpan stare before teleporting to his room where he would soon check on the skill 'change classes' into armor that would be his if he had chose a warrior instead of a mage. Courtesy of Touch-Me and the other warriors that inspired his choice of armor.

And Lupan saw himself walking towards the cafeteria where the aroma smells were coming from that made his mouth watery and soon dug himself with the several dishes that were given to him with love and favor.
The chefs watched his gluttony self eat it all, they were proud to say the least.

During those three days Lupan had went to his daughter, he wished to speak to her with great lengths about the world and what was happening out there and how it operated.

After an hour when finishing his buffet meal he was called to an emergency teleportation from Momonga and he quickly gave his praise to his chefs. Lupan gave a thought to his magic skills which was a teleportation skill to retrieve his armor back on and activated it by thought.
Pieces smoothly appearing on his body and his black scythe in his hand placed on his left shoulder, by the time he walked through the gate behind Momonga, a knight had his sword raised above a girl with a little girl underneath her slashed back. His face while covered, to the knight, it was as if it didn't hide his silver eyes to somehow darken with disgust at these 'knights' that attacked such tiny, frail beings.


They were fodder to their cause. At least that's what they thought when they've done another raid on villagers that were not guarded by Gazef's soldiers.

"Disgusting fool, to watch a weak human prey on their own."

The voice that sent a chill down his body his hairs standing, as he unconsciously sweated on his forehead. His fellow knight took a step back frightened but not running away from their watch.

"W-who...the h-hell are you?" His fellow partner besides him manages to spurt out, the shaking voice at the sight of a large elegant robed skeleton and an even taller knight behind him with a huge scythe on his shoulders.

"Ha" the black knight chuckled but the skeletons actions spoke for themselves as he reached out and the knights on instinct realized this simple hand gesture as dangerous and run far away from this duo of monsters.

"Grasp Heart"


Lupan had seen enough and he didn't even enter the village yet, he was still by momonga's side when he converted one of the weak soldiers as death knight. Their flesh now shifting into black sludge and changing into 7 ft tall skeleton knights that had a sword that was crooked and sharp.

It was magnificent to look at, but as it was given orders it left its master behind... quickly as he noted to his friend.
Momonga stammers at the death knight in thought and focuses on the humans that he actually didn't see there until one of them gasped at them.

To not frighten them he had lowered his scythe and tried his best to shrink himself. But he still towered over the two girls.
"Here, drink." He looked at his friend and then to the girls...
They are completely terrified so to remedy this, he removed his helmet just barely putting his helmet on his right hip when the little girl awed at him.
He knew that he had short white hair and silver eyes but these looks going on the two girls expressions right now will be troublesome when he had to take his armor off in undercover missions.

"It's a healing potion, despite my partners looks, its not anything bad if that's what you're thinking." He smiled genuinely to seal the deal, before as a human he tried smiling at his crush but it was forced and thus he was instantly rejected and called grinner for how his mouth is stiff and lacking, now trying it right now they seemed to be in shock so he doesn't know if this was better.

The girls shaking out of their mentality, the older one took a gulp and was astonished by her wounds disappearing instantly and made her sister go next. As he watched, Momonga was focusing on the soldiers that perished and with a simple command summoned death knights.

The children were stunned, Lupan had actually went to send Momonga a message but felt a pull from his hand and the little red-headed girl was giving him puppy dog eyes. He silently looked to his friend and Momonga had talked with a clear voice and gave them protection as long as he had them stay under it with even a goblin horn to aid them. Lupan had squeezed the little girl's hand and had her let go as he went ahead, smiling gently to the pair of siblings waving to them both hesitant under the spell protecting them, he follows Momonga as he walks into the village as bodies were sprayed and mutilated as they walked in peace. Lupan eyed the bodies of the innocent and internally cringed, wincing at their frozen expression.

He murmured, " game...huh..." , he looked ahead as they approached a scene of the death knight letting leash of his cold rage. His walking pace rushes into the one sided fight, as he moves his right arm and his scythe lightly as he goes ahead of his friend and the death knight stops in its track and backs away, completely ignoring the rest of the knights, just a 6 man group as Lupan enters the fray and has his scythe linger above the ground barely and menacingly walks to the humans. 

The knights shifted their sights on the death knight with one of their own stuck to the sword and walk away, to looking at another figure walking to them.

Imminently even the knights can notice this was another one of their own but he towered over them as he was actually taller and more bulky than them, the colors different from any faction they seen and the way he had held his weapon to them screams hostile and he wasn't here to kill the monster walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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