The Arena

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Lupan was in his chambers with the girl who called him father. Racking his head for any memory he remembers while looking at his mirror with the decorated black armor of his.

' Lupan are you going to make a NPC of your own?'

'Hm I never really thought of creating one before touchme.'

'You should Lupan, it would be cool'

' Mmm... i dont know touchme'

After that conversation with the knight, Lupan had now thought about the creation of a NPC and finally concluded to make one.

Few hours of perfecting the NPC creation...

Lupan looked at his now almost created NPC avatar, a female werewolf who is a mage and his finger touched the finished button and there she was a beautiful, white haired fierce mage who is his creation. But what was even more RPG driven was that Lupan had a chance to act as a father to his creation which was gifted himself as he survived 40 rounds of high tier monsters in a event during the summer.

What he requested was to have a special option to actually take care of an NPC as a little baby like those farming dragons games.

He was giddy all over watching his special made cinematic scene for himself, with his well drawn knight armor holding a basket of straw with a blanket stuffed with a pale lycan baby with her shining yellow eyes looking into his luminous blue flaming eyes.

It showed even his undergarments of his military inspired clothes and his five year old daughter that was playing in his lap and then with him letting his daughter being taught by one of his guild members wizards and having her by his side as a teenager despite that age of being one hundred and twenty six as, a barely turning teenager.

His memories surfacing again when she begun talking to him, "Father is everything alright? I brought this as you asked while i was seeking out material in that 'human' settlement."

Lupan didn't know how to take that tone but he improvised, "Thank you my daughter. What did you see on your travels while getting my request?"

Daphne eyes widen and her neutral face was back, "It was fine, many useless buildings father, and I brought the special ores you asked of."

Lupan is actually shiting bricks, why did she seem surprised, did I say something wrong? Did my conversation just make me suspicious AHAHAH?!

(This is all in his thoughts, while outside his neutral pale white face remained normal)

"That's good my daughter, we must meet Momonga at the sixth floor in nine minutes"

She nods her head and walks into another room connected to his.

While Lupan was getting the idea that she will meet him over there, teleports to the now realistically avatar of momonga, who is already at the fighting arena. Looking at the dark elf twins, Aura who was outspoken and the timid Mara, Lupan was by Momonga's side when they exchanged their pleasant greetings.

"Momonga." He shortly let out a response and drew his attention to the twins. "Mare, Aura." Giving a nod in their direction the twins bowed to the other supreme leader and Momonga asked questions for them.

Lupan let Momonga do all the talking and just admired the spacious arena when he was sent a chat invite by momonga.

'We had icons for the summons and magic uses Lupan is it the same as yelling it out?' Lupan looked at momon and just shrugged, "you should test it out,"
Momonga look at the twins and inquiring their aid, "You wouldn't mind if I had you help me Aura and Mare, would you?" Aura sputtered out responses that 'she would never mind because they were supreme beings, all great and powerful, these lowly servants should be honored in their presence-.'

Lupan was surprised but decided to let that go because they were in a game for christ sakes!
The whole master-servant act and a whole level of loyal NPC servants were a given, but it should not faze him unlike the abrupt transportation to another world with their avatars.

But choosing to think of that on a later day, the gaining attention of Mare who was hesitant and insistent to not join along with her sister annoyed him making him just shout, " If you don't want to go then don't! stay on the sidelines mare!"

Lupan wasn't really angry at mare but just wanted this over with because he needed to know if this was easy to summon his attacks or anything at all. What he didn't account for was the unintentional threat that he didn't really know at the time. It was looked by the young dark elf as a warning that he will not consider him a capable guardian anymore for not fighting, rather than an annoyed request to just stay on the sidelines with them.

She squeaked loudly and quickly joined his sisters side, Momonga glanced at mare but shouted quickly of his flame summon spell shouting, "Primal fire elemental!" Two creatures were set as shields against the hot flames while Lupan with his arms crossed relaxed but was amazed in his mind.

'Huh wow that is a wonderous spell but is that really all we have to do to use the skills?'

He does remember how much to use his mana(normal means of getting in many attacks) and his health that was considering larger than his guildmates health (if so up by a little of a few hundreds higher) but he wasn't as good as Momonga to remember every single detail of his avatar... like the hardcore player Momonga is.
Lupan 'hmp-ed' and talked to Momonga

"Hey do you think you can summon something for me to try too?"
Momonga sweat dropped, with the background of Aura whipping out her whip and cleaving multiple limbs of the flame monster with Mare letting out spells to protect his sister.

"Oh! Uh- sure anything specific" Lupan shrugged," surprise me Momo"
Lupan decided to wait for the opponent to bring out his sword that was chosen carefully. Momonga thought carefully when he exclaimed the name, "Greater elemental demon!" His staff glowed brighter and sudden yellow flames flickered to a huge earth lava demon engulfed in flames.

Lupan laughed confidently, "Yes! Something of a greater challenge!"He laughs with glee summoning his weapon, a long nodachi sword that was showing elements of frost leaking out and Lupan powerfully, launched himself at the raging summon in seconds

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Lupan laughed confidently, "Yes! Something of a greater challenge!"
He laughs with glee summoning his weapon, a long nodachi sword that was showing elements of frost leaking out and Lupan powerfully, launched himself at the raging summon in seconds.

Mare and Aura soon defeated the elemental to viewing a great show of their master battling an extraordinary powerful demon that would crush them in few moves. They could see the exchange of blows to each strike, it was beautiful and in almost a chain of attacks the summon was soon defeated by a slice between it's body crumbling into ice.

And the only one standing was lord Lupan with his sword laid idly on his shoulder.

"That was truly magnificent my Lord Lupan!"

"Yes! that was a-amazing l-lord Lupan!"

Aura exclaimed while her brother quietly said their compliments so Lupan as well said his part, "Hm, you as well Mare and Aura, good job."
Both of the twins were surprised but were flattered by the sentence coming from their lord's mouth. They were still out of breath letting out air but shining by the praises from both lord's.

Momonga noticed this and brought out a vase of water to offer them, "you must be tired here have some water." They tried to resist but accepted the water and soon after that they were soon approached by another guardian who used a portal.

Shalltear Bloodfallen.

Edited 7-19-20

Edited 11-5-20

Edited 12/18/21

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