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DISCLAIMER: ( when I first wrote this in 2016, I wrote it in the vein of Mean girls, Jennifer's Body, Easy A- y'know 2000s trashy teen comedy. Some of the stereotypes presented could be viewed as offensive, but your character is supposed to be "the ignorant popular girl" stereotype who eventually grows as the book goes on. Thanks for reading x)

"What do you mean, you're not going?"

How is, "I'd rather stick sharp, silver needles into my eyes," not clear enough for him? I mean, I thought I did a good job of conveying my disdain. But I guess not, if he's still standing there with a dumbfounded look on him.  How do I even begin to explain...

Look, I know what you're thinking. Why would I not want to go to a crucial event in any American teenager's rite of passage into adulthood? I'll tell you why, cause its' feckin stupid. Dances, in my humble opinion are excruciatingly boring. But what about dressing up and going for food and blah blah blah... C'mon, everyone knows that people only go to hook up with people they wouldn't be caught dead associating with come Monday morning. For an ostentatiously pious, decent girl like myself, it wasn't the most enticing event. I could think of plenty of things I'd rather be doing then to waste my Friday night engulfed in a sea of raging teenage hormones.  

Not to come across as a complete frigid bitch or anything, but I mean I would personally rather  stay in that night. Looking stupid in my big ass polar bear onesie and doing f all. Seriously I don't need a date when I can just be accompanied with the only two men I'll ever need, Ben and Jerry. As basic as it sounds (because I know it makes me sound very Jennifer Lawrency with all the faux relatability) I just want to sit and watch re-runs of The Office and maybe mess about on the Sims 3. A long and rightfully deserved night off from being the "It" girl of East-Side High.

But my sweetest friend in the entire world stood there nervously. On his flawlessly sculpted face, Dylan Bates wore a look of utter desperation. He let out a harsh sigh before gazing sheepishly to the ground, avoiding the piercing stabs that reverberate off my eyes. "I was under the impression that we were, y'know, "going together?" 

I knew it was terrible, but I was irritated that he couldn't simply empathize and give me the night off. As a consequence, I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the remark. The boy wants to go with me? No, the boy wants to be seen with me. There's a significant difference.

So, irked, I spat back at him, "Why?  Oh, I know, not because you want to spend time with me, but because you want to use me as a pawn in your idiotic attempt to prove your straightness to that troglodyte football team!"

I really, really, really should not have said that out loud. Dylan's expression changed to one of terror. Fortunately, the warning bell hadn't yet rung, so no one was around, but he took my arm and led me to a nearby locker room for a well-deserved lecture on the principles of being a good friend.

"I know it's' annoying and I get why you're frustrated. But this is a big thing for me, you can't just go around blurting stuff like that out loud!"

"I know, Dylan"

"No, you don't know.  You have no idea, believe me. If anyone discovers the truth about us, you'll be absolutely free of any sort of bullshit. Sure, you won't be the most popular girl at school any longer, but that's it! But do you have any idea what's going to happen to me? Oh, I'll just get thrashed around by Miles Clegg or Greg Donald until we graduate. That is, if I am given the opportunity, because we both know that if I am kicked off the football team, I won't get that scholarship."

"Dylan, your right. There's no way I can imagine how difficult this is for you. But you can't let those ignorant dickheads dictate your life! What are you planning to do, hide in the closet forever?" I simply want him to be more at ease with himself. It had been three years since our fictitious relationship began. He had successfully concealed his sexuality from everyone, as if it were something to be ashamed of.

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