oh, if looks could kill.

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Harry Styles was the main reason I hated having to pretend to be Dylan's girlfriend.

I knew that if it wasn't for my "relationship since the dawn of kindergarten" he would be at me like a moth to a flame.

*Imagines Harry Styles coming at me like a moth to a flame.*

Not at school (Y/N,) not at school.

As embarrassingly, simpy as it is I've had a crush on Harry ever since I first laid eyes on him. Which was induction day, freshman year, three years ago. 1085.7275 days ago but hey I mean who's counting. 

When compared to the rest of the East-Side students, he stood out. He was so calm and composed in comparison to the rest of us freshmen. I for one was a twitchy, bundle of nerves. But he took the new environment in his stride and was self - assured in everything he said or did at a time when no one else was. He was so cool and he didn't even have to try.

Harry was the polar opposite of the other boys, all of whom were football-obsessed, bone-headed jocks. The finer things in life, such as old movies, rock records, and classic literature, were valued by Styles. Some may say, "Wow, the bar is low," but in this town, every guy thought a girl should be in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Harry is a member of the feminist society and has petitioned our English teacher to include more contemporary female authors on the curriculum. He was amazing, like a god amongst men, like a- I'm sounding like I'm completely obsessed aren't I? 

But, as the oh-so-talented actress that I am, I turn off the fangirl mode whenever I'm with him.

We had a free period that freshman year, which was unusual because Mr. Wilber was never absent. He decided to approach me after noticing my Star Wars t-shirt and we started talking about our mutual love of (wait for it) Star Wars. I must say, he does a fantastic Jar Jar Binks impression. Now a days I wouldn't be caught dead wearing any nerdy garb; I have a reputation to uphold. I have to be perfectly groomed and look like I just walked off the Miu Miu runway but he doesn't care about any of that.

We became friends over the years and now sit next to each other in the only class we have, advanced English. Imagine sitting next to your crush for an hour every day, while they write sonnets and limericks and you get to read and listen to them. It takes a lot of effort for me to keep my cool and not internally combust, as if my ovaries are about to burst at times. It's torture, but a nice torture, like a fun tortu-what am I even saying.

Harry is a great writer, he writes romantically like Keats with Frost's slight nihilism and I think he could actually make a career out of it. He loves this book of poems called "Love is a dog from hell" by Charles Bukowski, that guy who wrote "Fight Club" or whatever. He lent me his copy and literally every page in the book was completely untouched. Except for this line that was underlined.

people so tired
either by love or no love.

I never asked him why, out of all the lines of poetry he chose that one, but it stayed with me. I'd often ponder the meaning of those words when I was tired and had a sweet fix from a daydream of this boy. Was he in a relationship? or did it speak to him because he lacked someone to love? In any case, the line perfectly expressed my chaotic or non-existent love life; did he leave it as a hint for me?

Regardless, English provided the necessary distraction from the hectic social life I led in East-Side. There will be no Eagles, no Dylan, and no pressure. That was one of the reasons I enjoyed Thursdays so much. I could be completely unfiltered while being in  excellent company. So, at 130, I walked into Wilbur's class, and my gaze was drawn to the back of the room, where Harry was sitting, and he grinned when he saw me. I stepped to my seat, threw my books onto my wooden, graffiti-ridden desk, and sat down on my hard plastic chair; this school receives a sizable donation from the parents every year, and they still can't afford proper chairs; I wonder where my tuition money is going in this dump.

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