Why you???

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A/N Okay so plot line they wake up after being drunk from a party. Basically your good girl bad boy mess up which was not meant to happen.


I wake up with a huge headache, along with my head on someone's chest. Shit. I think. Not to mention I'm naked. Great. Note the sarcasm.

I look up to see a face I didn't want to see. That face was Eddie Miller. The school's number ONE bad boy. It's official my life is over. His eyes start to flutter open.

He looks down and sees me. "Out of people I'd never expect to see you in my bed." he says. "Who knew a goody-to-shoe would have sex with me. Which I'm guessing we did cause I'm naked." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Who knew you'd be smart enough to figure that out. I mean everyone knows you only cause trouble and get into it. Not like your smart." I say a little angry. "So you gonna get dressed in front me or you gonna make me look away?" he ask. I glare at him.

"Turn around." I say. "Why nothing I haven't seen before. Although I don't remember all of it because I was drunk." he says. "Shut up and turn around." He did.

Once we got dressed we ask the same question. "Do remember how we got here or how we started kissing?" We say at the same time. He shrugs.

Recap of what happen last

Eddie's POV

I was at the party of year. My friend Ryan was having. I'm standing around trying to chose a girl to drink with. When all of a sudden I do a double take. Is that KT? Drinking a beer? No way! I thought.

I walked up to her. "Didn't think you drank or came to parties." I say. "Yeah well when your parents expect a lot of you it gets overwhelming." she explains. I nod. Then I say I something I never thought I'd say to her. "Drink with me tonight?" I say.

"Why would you wanna drink with me? Assuming it might look bad for your reputation." she says. "One I'm in shock and two your hot even though you a good girl. Assuming it was stupid of me to ask because you'd never drink with me. Because you don't have the guts." Yup I'm somewhat drunk.

"Fine. Lets drink." She says. Dammm. Did not think she would agree. "Lets drink at my house then. If your gonna go head with this." I say cocky knowing she won't agree. "Fine."

So enough were at my house in my room with the door locked. About five beers later were both gone. I don't think I've ever drank this much.

I'm just starring at her. "What" She ask. "Nothing much. Just come here." I say. "Now what." she ask. "enlighten me. " I say. "How?" she ask. "Straddle me." I demand more then say. Yeah she's gone cause she obeys. I pull her close.

I pull her as close as I can get her to me. "What are you doing?" She ask. "Making your night ten times better." I say well smirking. She's about to say something but I cut her off by kissing her. She kisses back.

A/N if intense kissing make you feel weird jus skip the rest of the recap. Although a its not to intense at all.

It gets more hungry and passionate from there. Next thing I know my shirts off. I'm on top of her on my bed taking off her shirt. Then our pants are off. And I think you know what happens from there.

Back to present day


"This gonna sound weird but I remember something. And you might not be to happy about it." Eddie says. "Which is?" I ask. "You upset me last night that's why I asked you to drink with me." he says well looking down.

"What'd I say?" Now I'm curious. "You told basically told me I'm a bad boy who only cared about his reputation." He says sounding upset. "Didn't know you'd be offended by that." I say feeling guilty. "I care about other things." He says looking me in the eye. "Like what?" what he says next takes me by surprise. "You. Knowing that if your okay. Looked I know I screwed up our friendship in the 7th grade but that doesn't change how I feel about you. I need to know that your okay without me. That you don't need me at your most cause your strong enough not to. I need you so much because without you I give up. My grades haven't been the best nor has my life. The only thing I'm good at is being the bad boy and sports. I'm thrilled about what happen last night. However I regret not remembering it .KT I love you. Be in my life again but as more than a friend. Because I'm in love with you." I don't even know what to say.

I'm on shocked well Eddie sit there looking worried. "Wanna say something before I puke or something." he says. "Eddie I-I-I don't know what to say." he looks sad. "Well than can I kiss you if you leave me." He says. I nod.

Again just that paragraph the next paragraph is not intense but if someone discerning someone giving someone a hickey don't read it.

He kisses me I kiss back. Its gets more passionate. Soon enough he's kissing down my neck I moan. I moan at certain part, he bites and sucks my neck. "E-Eddie" I moan. This just makes him suck my neck harder. I moan a little louder. "Tell me you love." he whispers in my ear. "Fine. I love you and want you back in my life." I say. Only difference I mean it. I love Eddie Miller. My old best friend now my boyfriend.

Soon enough last nights events start up again. When done we lay on his bed for the rest of the day. "I regret nothing I've done with you these past 24 hours. I love you." he says. "I love you too." is the last thing I say before I dose off with Eddie's arms wrapped around me.

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