THAT Baby Blue Book

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When the pain didn't come, Dipper opened his eyes and found Gideon staring down at him. He attempted to get up, but something tugged tightly on his foot. He looked back; a shoe lace was stuck. Dipper turned around, and together him and Gideon attempted to pull the lace out. The attempt failed.

"I can cut it with my army knife," Gideon suggested and took it out of his pocket. Dipper nodded and got up once he was done. He looked up at the wall, which was blue just like the rest of the hallway. "So that's how I've never seen those paths before. The blend in with the rest. Interesting," Gideon mused. "Do you think he'll notice?"

Dipper looked at the tiny little stub that stuck out. "No," he said and brushed off the thick layer of dust that had accumulated on his shirt and shorts. "Does Pacifica know?"

Gideon shook his head, clearly shocked. "Gosh, no! Just imagine how'll she react." He looked away, as if thinking of something. 


"How will she react?"

"Good question." Dipper cupped his hand around an ear; he could barely hear Mabel and Pacifica. Mysteriously, the whispers ceased and were replaced by far away shouts. "There has to be some logical explanation," Dipper muttered while carefully looking around. Dust, dust, dust caked the walls and paintings, but in the lack of bright light it was nearly impossible to discover anything else unusual.

"So, that means no one's been here in a while. Weird..." he said to himself.

"What?" Gideon asked.

"I said no one has been here in a while, so there's dust everywhere," Dipper repeated before realizing the girls' calls stopped. "Do you know the way out?" he asked suspiciously, recalling how Gideon pulled him into the metal shower.

"Um, actually, yeah," Gideon replied and played with his watch. "I tend to get lost frequently here, and I guess I remembered the way."

Dipper smiled. "You're a genius."

Gideon shrugged modestly, blushing a little. "Thanks."

Maybe Gideon wasn't so bad after all.


Mabel and Pacifica were sitting on the stairs, comparing nails. Mabel was wearing a purple backpack, and with her orange unicorn sweater, it looked familiar for some reason. Maybe if you were to add eyeballs to the backpack and a talking map...

Pacifica looked up. "Hey, where've you guys been?" she said. "Mabel and I have been waiting for you. We were yelling and yelling and-"

Dipper pointed down the hallway. "Pacifica, there's these secret tunnels and moving walls down there--your da-"

Pacifica held up a hand to stop him. "Nope nope nope, that's just the way to my parent's room."

Dipper's mind raced and the gears started turning. "Your parents' room? Then maybe-"

"Dude, Dipper. My house is just a normal house, 'kay?"

He looked at Gideon for reassurance, but Gideon awkwardly averted his gaze while toying with his watch.

Pacifica suddenly jumped up. "C'mon, let's go before Dad changes his-"

"Are you all still here?" someone said. Dipper looked up to the second floor. It was Mr. Northwest.

The boys stepped back subconsciously.

"Actually, Dad, we were just about to leave-"

"Nonsense. Alfred is out doing business, so I might as well drive all of you there."

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