Chapter 15: Draco POV

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Draco held his regal posture until he was out of sight, then he sped  up, stumbling up the stairs, cane clutched uselessly at his side, his  vision blurred with tears he refused to shed. Now Harry's friends were  back and what Draco had thought was friendship-maybe-more was reduced  once more to "nothing" in his mind. So much for what Harry'd said about  hating him. Or maybe he really didn't hate him anymore. Maybe meaning  nothing to Harry was worse than being hated by him. It wasn't nothing to  Draco.

He passed his room almost without realising it, feeling  the pulsing pull of the false Remembrall in his mind. Maybe it wouldn't  be so bad, forgetting. Maybe without his memories he could start over,  could live within his limits because he didn't know anything else. He  wouldn't remember the things he'd once done that he could do no longer.

Once  he reached the attic, he stumbled to the far corner and stared down at  the heavy wooden chest, watching his hand reach out again as if it  belonged to someone else. It would be so easy. All he had to do was lift  the lid, reach inside...

In the end he couldn't do it. His memories  of Potter, of the past several weeks of growing closer to him, were too  precious; he couldn't give them up. He collapsed in a heap beside the  chest, fingers splayed helplessly on the floor. He wanted to cry, to  release some of the pent up emotions thundering through him, but his  eyes remained stubbornly dry. It felt like a storm was raging inside  him, threatening to rip him apart. The storm passed as quickly as it had  come on, leaving him feeling wrung out and numb. He didn't have the  energy to move as he felt sleep rushing up to claim him.

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