100 Reasons.

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“I know she has to go off and save the universe and all, but we’re in a relationship for God’s sake.” You stress, Natasha’s green eyes washed over with concern as she studies you intently, making a mental note to remove the alcoholic beverage from your hand. “I respect her job but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.”

The Black Widow’s eyes soften and she uses the gap to remove the glass bottle from your hand and set it down on the floor. “I’m sorry Y/N.”

“I get I’m being selfish but am I not allowed to? Just like all those other people have issues, so do I, and I sometimes I just want to lay in her arms and tell her about my day or just sit in silence because I enjoy her presence you know?” you glance over at Natasha, noticing the smirk on her face. “What?” You ask, suddenly self conscious. You weren’t one to complain but you’d fallen down the pit and just realized.

“Nothing. That was just really… Gay.”

You chuckle and push her head away. “Shut up.”

Natasha’s giggles cease as she looks you over with concerned eyes. “Hey.” she makes eye contact, gaining your full attention. “Talk to Carol about it.”

“To do what? We’re just going to talk and then she’s going to go off and save the universe again.”

“Maybe.” Natasha shrugs. “But at least she’ll know how you feel and be more considerate.” the red head shrugged before moving her eyes back to the television set.


The following day, you danced on the balls of your feet as you stood a few feet behind Tony Stark. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t excited about Carol coming home, but you’d decided that you were going to talk to her about your feelings, and truth be told, you were scared of how the message would be brought across considering your emotional state. You wanted her to know, but you didn’t want to add to her load or come across as too aggressive.

“I can feel the excitement from here Y/L/N.” Tony speaks up and you breathe out a chuckle.

“It’s not everyday the love of my life returns from space.” you shrug before looking upwards, awaiting Carol’s arrival. Estimated one minute.

She lived at the compound, but spent most of the time at your place. She’d tried landing there once, but due to the excitement from getting to see you, almost destroyed your residence. So she stuck to landing at the compound. But you didn’t mind going all the way over there, it was like picking her up from the airport.

“Yeah yeah, sap.” Tony brings you closer by your shoulders just as the two of you catch the light entering the atmosphere. It becomes bigger and brighter and before you know it, a glowing Carol lands in a standing position a few feet away from you with a bright smile on her face.

Tony releases you and offers Carol a smile before bringing her in for a small hug. “Welcome home Danvers.”

“Yeah yeah don’t get all mushy on me now Stark.” Carol rolls her eyes but accepts Tony’s hug, letting out a peaceful sigh.

“Nope. Leaving all that for her.” He nods his head towards you before leaving, muttering something to Friday.

Your eyes lock with her brown ones and her grin grows impossibly bigger. She launches towards you and pulls you into a tight hug, so strong it lifts you off the ground. You hug her back with the same intensity, drinking her in. Her scent, her feeling. You bring your hand up to her hair and exhale deeply, the moment you’ve been waiting for finally having arrived.

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