Episode 3: [Long Day]

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《 Season One 》

Episode Three:

| Long Day |

"Why him?!" Jisung and Lee Know demanded an answer.

Mrs. Han gave a questioning look at Chan. Chan glanced at her and cleared his throat, "I see that you guys already met." Jisung and Lee Know just glared at each other.

Mrs. Han glanced at everyone and suddenly stood up catching everyone's attention, "Jisung can I talk to you for a sec?"

Jisung and Mrs. Han left the office.

"Why did you make my boss hire a personal bodyguard for me?" Jisung questioned, clearly very irritated.

Mrs. Han sighed, "look, I care about you and you know you that, but I can't let my son go off in the streets possibly getting murdered."

"Wha-what?" He stuttered, "I am not gonna get murdered-"

Mrs. Han gave him a look, "mhmm, sure you won't."

"But eomma..." Jisung whined like a child.

"No whining, you're getting a bodyguard and that's final." Jisung pouted and groaned in defeat. "Hey, at least that Lee Know guy looks cute," Mrs. Han complemented. She is not wrong.

"Yeah... Wait what! No, no. He does not look cute," Jisung denied as he waved his arms.

"Aww look at that, my son is in denial," Mrs. Han pinched his cheeks, "tell me when you catch feelings for him to prove me right."

"To prove what?" Jisung narrowed his eyebrows.

"That you like him." She gave him a teasing smile and walked back to Chan's office, leaving Jisung with his mouth open. We'll see about that.

Jisung shook his head and muttered to himself, "this is gonna be a very, very long day." He quickly followed his mother back inside the office.

While the Hans were having a conversation outside the office, Chan and Lee Know had their own.

"Hyung, you can't let me protect someone that gave a first bad impression," Lee Know added, "much less who has an attitude. I can't work with them if I don't get along with them."

"I sincerely apologize, but you're the best and only bodyguard left," Chan retorted, "and Jisung's mother is a very scary woman that even I won't stand a chance against her."

Minho gave him a disbelief look, "Is she that scary?"

"She use to be in the police force as a captain and then worked as a lawyer," Chan explained, "so you have no idea."

"Oh wow." Lee Know was surprised. He didn't expect much, instead, he expected a funny back story or something.

"So please, cut me some slack and guard Jisung," Chan pleaded. Lee Know was thinking.

He thought about the possibilities that could go down: one, he might get sued and have to put his position down; or two, deal with Jisung's ass for a long time.

None of those options really satisfy him.

Lee Know let out a sigh of defeat, "fine, I'll protect him."

"Thank you," Chan gave a small smile.

"You're lucky that you're my best friend." Lee Know punched Chan's shoulder.

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