Episode 6: [Squirrel]

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《 Season One 》

Episode Six:

| Squirrel |

5:34 a.m.

Jisung was already up.

He gotten more sleep than he is use to and felt more energize.

"Morning!" As he skipped passed Brian in the hallway. His older brother was confuse to his sudden energy. Usually, Jisung would be dead tired and act savage in the morning.

"Good morning?" Brian was confuzzled, "why are you so hype this morning?"

"I finally slept for more than 5 hours, but I'm still kinda tired," Jisung said.

Brian just nodded and went to his room to change. Jisung headed to the kitchen to see as usual that his dad is making breakfast. Mrs. Han wasn't the best cook.

"Morning Appa!" Jisung greeted. Mr. Han flinched from Jisung's sudden voice.

"Oh my gosh Jisung, you almost made me drop my sandwich."

"Sorry Appa," Jisung scratched the back of his neck and gave a soft giggle.

Mr. Han just chuckled at his son's cuteness, "so why are you up so early?"

"I finally got some decent amount of sleep." Jisung went to the fridge and opens it.

Mr. Han hummed, "you should thank your bodyguard. What's his name?"

Jisung got out a milk carton from the frigde, "he said his real name is Minho, but his code name is Lee Know," Jisung explained, "and why should I thank him?"

Mr. Han finished making everyone's sandwiches, and answered, "he got you home safely didn't he?"

Jisung stopped pouring his milk. "He also made me go home early to get more rest."

"More of why you should thank him," Mr. Han confirmed. He placed down Jisung's breakfast on the table where he sat.

Jisung groaned, "do I have to appa?"

"Jisung." Mr. Han gave him look.

Jisung raised his hands in defense, "I'm joking! I'll thank him."

Mr. Han smiled at his son, "good, now eat."

Once Jisung was done with his morning routine, he started heading to the bus stop. But before he continued walking any further, someone called him.

"Jisung! Where are you going?"

Jisung turned around to see Minho standing by his car. Oh right, Minho said he was gonna pick him up.

"Did you forget?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

Jisung sucked his breath before nodding. Minho face palmed, but let this one slide.

"Come on." Minho opened the passenger door for Jisung.

Jisung rushed to his seat and quickly buckled his seat belt and Minho did the same.

They arrived at the company in less than 10 minutes. Minho parked his car near the building. Both exited the car and entered the building.

"Hey Lee Know?"

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