The Transition (Trans Roman)

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This story has slight unsafe binding. Very brief (wearing a binder for a little too long)

It also mentions slight implications of homophobia. Very briefly.

Also, if I have any facts wrong please let me know, especially because I'm not a trans male and I'm not sure how it is to be one other than stories I've heard/read.



"Rose! Mother wants you!" Shailey walked in the door. Rose quickly let her hair fall around her face.

"Can you knock? I'm going to start locking my door."

"But you never lock it." Shailey whined and walked back out.

"I'm going to start," Rose mumbled following her younger sister.

"Hey Rose. Look what I got. It's so cute and I was wondering if it would fit you. I got Shailey a matching one." Rose inwardly groaned. Their mother held up a dress

"I'll go see," She sighed grabbing the dress and heading to her room.

'What's the point? I'm not a girl,' Rose looked at her self in the mirror and put her hair up again imagining it short. 'Not a real one. Not a real anything.'

"What taking so long!" Shailey knocked on the door. "Mom's waiting to see it."

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute," Rose quickly got the dress on and walked out.

"Oh, so cute!" Their mother said seeing the girls. "Just like a princess!"

"I'm going to take it off now," Rose walked back into her room. "Wish I was a prince." She muttered.


"Roman? You've been in your room for three days now. Are you coming out anytime soon?" Patton called through the door. Roman groaned and continued laying in his bed. "Do you care if I come in?"

"Sure," Roman mumbled back. He got up from his bed and unlocked the door opening it for Patton.

"Are you okay? You don't look okay," Patton helped Roman back to the bed.


"You're a what?" Shailey was in Rose's room sitting on her bed.

"I'm a transgender. A boy," Rose explained. "I have been for awhile. Just...born in the wrong body, I guess."

"Oh..."Shailey looked at Rose up and down. "Does this mean I have an older brother instead?"

"Yeah. Don't tell mom yet though. I'm not ready. I'll tell her when I'm ready."

"Okay. You're an awesome brother." Shailey hugged him and skipped out of the door.


"Rose," Roman muttered.

"She's back?" Patton asked and Roman nodded. "It's okay, kiddo."

"I'm...I'm still valid right? I'm still a guy?" Roman looked on the brink of tears.

"Yes, of course you are, Roman." Patton smiled at him. "You're valid how you are. You are a real man."

"Thanks Patton," Roman laid on his bed trying not to wince in pain.

"Uh Roman? How long have you had your binder on?"


"Rose? You got a package in the mail!" His mother called out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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