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I walked along the sidewalk on the way to the cafe, drowning out the music playing through my headphones, my mind was too filled on which words to say when I faced him in a few minutes.

I was finally going to confess today. 

I reached the entrance to the cafe, scanning the tables until I found Jacob, the friend I've been crushing on for over a year. I slowly made my way over to the table as the nerves truly kicked in. 

"Hey y/n. I ordered your favorite drink." Jacob smiled at you as you sat down.

"Thank you." You couldn't even bring yourself to look at him for more than a minute. 

Jacob began a conversation as usual and you finally brought yourself to look at him and talk. Laughter never failed to fill the air whenever you two were together and the nerves that were eating you alive before seemed to disappear as you fell deeper into random conversations and nonsense. You couldn't help but notice his bright smile he would flash every few minutes and how it seemed to light up the room or how his eyes lit up every time he would mention his favorite things.

"I'm going to have to leave soon." Jacob sighed looking at the time and that's when the nerves began to kick in again, but you knew you had to get your feelings out or you would regret it later. Jacob noticed how you slightly tensed up at his words and tilted his head, questioning. 

"Are you okay?" 

You looked down at your hands before simply nodding and standing up from the table beginning to leave. 

"Well okay, I'll walk you home, you don't look very well." Jacob stood up and walked out of the shop with you following behind him. 

It was fairly silent on the way home which for some reason only seemed to build the nerves more as you approached your apartment building. This would be your last chance today. 

You stepped up to the front of the apartment building and turned around to face Jacob. 

"Alright. I'll see you later y/n." Jacob began to walk off.

"Wait!" You slightly yelled causing him to turn back. 

"I... I Just..." The words wouldn't leave your mouth as Jacob waited to hear what you had to say. 

You sat down on the stairs you were standing on, head in your hands as you were disappointed with not being able to tell him how you feel. 

You soon felt an arm around your shoulder as you were being pulled into the side of someone, but you knew it was Jacob.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Jacob's soft voice broke the silence. 

"I know I just don't want to ruin our friendship, but I can't hold this in anymore." You sighed looking up to meet Jacob's eyes. "I like you too much to not tell you, but I'm so scared of how you'll respond and I don't want to ruin what we have already." You confessed. 

Jacob stayed silent for a moment, not really knowing how to respond which made your heart break a little. You started to stand up, figuring that he couldn't return the feelings, until you were pulled back down to the stairs and felt soft lips press against yours. To say you were shocked would be an understatement, but you soon melted into the kiss trying to contain the smile growing on your face. 

Jacob slowly pulled away, his eyes finding yours and a smile spreading onto his face. 

"I don't think you know how long I've been waiting to do that." 

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