Don't Worry, I Got You

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As our story comes to a very beginning of a guy named Dylan, He was a very bright-minded, Hyper, and a big hearted, a special person that you don't see very often. Yet with a big heart, can come a mind with hurtful past. Something that bothered Dylan a lot, He didn't think to much of it anymore as he grew up, He started becoming cheerful with people and life started to get better for him, enough about him, lets get to the story!


The story starts off at a Cold Rainy day at work, Dylan just recently started his Training for his program he chose to work at, He was at his computer working like he usually would, but he took overtime and worked just a couple more hours, but within these hours, he lost track of time of how much he was working, he eventually finished and was proud

He yawned loudly and and stretched as he stood up and put his "Fallout 4" Hoodie on and fixed his hat which was facing the other way, he had two hats, he recently sent one out to his partner along with his American Eagle Hoodie and a couple anniversary presents.

"Finally-" *His mind cut him off as he checked his phone, his tired eyes widening at the bright screened phone, his back ached to this with his mind. He was the only one at work due to him wanting to get a bit of extra hours in* "1:46!?, How did I lose track of time?!, Ughhh" *He groaned loudly and wiped his face as his back shot a pain when he got up* "AHGH-" [Dylan's POV] *I groan and slouch a bit forward and I put my phone back into my right jean pocket, and put my cap forward whilst putting my hood on to prevent rain from getting me to wet, I turn off my computer and check out of my job program, I open the door and i'm met with hard wind and hard rain, rain streams were flowing down the streets, cars were nowhere to be seen on the roads, street lights were lit, and a sound of loud thunder was heard nearby, the cold weather made me shiver and mumble* "Great.. Exactly what I needed to have while walking home" *I said sighing and accepting the fact i'll actually have to deal with this, I lock the doors to the Program building and exit it, zipping up my dark blue hoodie, making sure I don't get wet. I start walking, head down, street lights and very few cars lighting up my night. I shiver to the weather, as time went on, it felt like it was getting worse, I was practically soaked on the hoodie and pants at this point, The thunder and rain filled my ears, I was a big fan of rain actually, it makes me feel relaxed, so I guess you can say the feeling of it on me and hearing it helped my kind of relax?. I'm so close to my apartment I can feel it! I say excitingly in my mind, almost putting on a smil- "Mew! M-Mew!" 

[3rd Person POV]
*Dylan heard cries of what sounded like.. A kitten? It shocked him, he though he was just hearing things but he heard it again, and again, it sounded scared, he always loved cats, They were a big thing in his world, a long while ago, he used to own a Mother Cat who had 4 kittens, he loved them to death, but the mother recently passed away, the name? It's kitty, literally- Dylan walked closer to sound, he was sure, his pace quickened, he then was brought to a halt. He stepped upon a box?, which was wet by the rain, the was a note that was a bit wet but he could still make out what was on there, at least what was left of it*

[Dylan's POV]

"Help mez finz hom pwease"? *I say out-loud, in a questionable tone I look down at the small, yet not bad looking box, it was actually designed, and had a cat on it? and some Japanese writing was also on the box, I look back at the hand writing, it was neat, but didn't seem like it was written by a normal person, it had a quote-unquote Nice/Fancy font to it, My face locks onto the box and I peek in seeing a Brown-eyed kitten, My face was in heaven, it was great seeing a kitten again, I had to give up my last 4 kittens recently due to my landlord. I glance another smile at the small kitten, it looked back at me and it seems nervous and childishly nervous, Cute, Like always* "what is a cute little kitty like you doing out here in the cold weather?" *I say kneeling down next to the box, smiling, It was an adorable site of a animal, the young kitten seemed to, be flattered by the compliment as it purred by my company, I then thought of the idea of taking home, Wouldn't leave it helpless out here alone* "Come on kitty, You're coming home with me~" *I say in a friendly tone, I pick it up out of its "home of a box" As soon as I put it onto my chest holding it with my hands it latched on with its claw in fear and I chuckle, giving it a few pats on the soft, nice feeling blackish fur it had and then I spoke out making it feel more relieved to the point it started to relax and feel at ease* "Don't worry, I Got You" *I smile continuing my walk, it was breathing normally and the cat kept me warm in the process* "I guess that's a bonus" *I chuckle as I mumble the silly thought out aloud*

[3rd Person POV] 

He makes it home with the kitten hidden in his hands, he shuffles in his pocket for his apartment keys, He found them, unlocking the door. He walks inside and gently places the kitten on the bed of his in his room. He then whispered quietly* "I'll be right back little one, just changing into some clothes" *He said in a calm whisper voice, He changed out of his wet clothes and into fresh new ones, the cat watching secretly, was feelings things, something about this cat is off. Is there something that Dylan hasn't seen yet?, Maybe Something Special~

[Dylan's POV]
*The kitten had woken up and it looked at me, but different then an average cat would?, There's something about this kitten. I brushed off the thought and put it on for a later time, the cat looked around, but it's eyes never left my body, I couldn't say much, I just look big with muscle and i'm tall and nicely fit, A height of 5'9 to be exact. I finish changing up my clothes as I turn on my fan and closed my window and silence filled the barely lit room, I get onto the bed and lay on my back, every bone felt like it was relaxing and relieving it's pain, I felt something warm and very light hop onto my chest and twirled around before laying down, I couldn't help but to smile at my newly founded feline friend, I close my eyes and rest calmly and just before I enter my dream world, I say to myself.*

"I promise to take care of you, and give you the life you want~"


1,255 Words, Not bad for a first story, It's 2:47 A.M. and I have to get up for work in the morning UwU, Hope to see you in the next chapter~

P.S This story goes to a special someone of mine, I love you Sher-Bear, Always and forever~ <3

(DISCONTINUED) I Can Be Your Light To Your World (Sherry x Dylan)Where stories live. Discover now