I'll Protect You

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*The birds are chirping in a happily manner, the sun is shining over the green fields and shining over the beautiful world. We come back to the life of Dylan and a kitten, both obviously sleeping, well.. Snoring to be exact, But the kitt- G-Girl? seems to be cuddling on top of him just comfortably, A cutesy smile on her face, her face a hint of red with shades of pink, She had long black soft hair, beautiful chocolaty brown eyes, she was a height of 5'. Very small to Dylan, Who is this girl?, what's her name?*

[??? POV]

"Nyah~ H-Hey!!, W-w-what a-are you doing~? -///-" *I say as the guy who picked me up when I was a kitty, H-he is handsome, He looked at my eyes in awe, His gaze made my heart just jump from my chest-* "n-nyahhh~ M-mew?, mew?" *??? started to wake up from a dream?, "But it felt so real.." she thought to her self, she looked at her new, hot-* "What am I thinking?!, We just met and i'm just a filty cat.." *I pouted in a sad tone, then, noticing him frown..* "Did I hurt his feelings, did he hear me?!" *I whisper aloud, thoughts wouldn't stay in my head, his body adjusting a bit to get comfortable again, but what shocked me is, he pulled me closer *I let a sigh of relief and blush more, thoughts kept running through my mind, his body structure, how strong he looked.. made my body go crazy, I wonder what his lips will feel like against mine.. hehehe, These thoughts are so- Mmmm~!,  she was blushing like crazy and her one fang/tooth could be seen, she smiles and cuddles back into her "owner" and she listens to his heartbeat and breathing, it was amazing, she snuggled into his neck, giving it a kiss*

[3rd Person POV]

Dylan: *Sound of him starting to wake up, but with a twist, the feeling on his neck, felt good, he recognized that feeling, it made him blush and let out a small moan* "A-Ahhh~" 

*He could feel something more heavier, and, human like on his body, he felt heavy, hot~, breathing onto his neck, he looked down to see an amazing, and stunning beautiful girl, a small one to be exact, He realized he moaned out loud softly and noticed a small bit a strength tug onto him, she gripped onto him, not letting go, He saw what looked to be a collar and it said* "Sherry?" *He whispered softly, in a deep tone*

[Dylan's POV]

*I see a beet red face, with sparkling, glistening eyes looking right back at mine. My face deepened it's blush as hers did too, It was awkward for just a moment, but I eventually broke the silence with something I usually don't say often*

Dylan: "Y-You have such b-beautiful eyes~" *I blush and get scared she'll think of me bad b-*

Sherry: "Y-You too~ N-nyah~" *I hear her say, it shocked me, I don't find myself quite attractive, but this girl, got me confused and warm inside, butterflies flying everywhere!*

Dylan: "Thanks, b-but.. How, and where did you get here from?!" *I ask, very confused and wondering many things, but didn't care, she was so damn CUTE! I smile to the thought of my inner feelings*

Sherry: "Well silly~, I'm your cat!, The one you took here last night! You're the first to.. accept me.." *She looked down, her eyes seem to watered, there glistening completely, I was shocked by her response* "You know.. Many people walked past and didn't bother with m-" *A tear falls from her face as, me, myself felt extremely guilty, but nonetheless, extremely lucky to step upon a sweet, innocent, kitty girl?. I put my left hand on the side of her cheek and made sure to wipe the tear away, I gave her a reassuring smile, and caressed her cheek with my thumb softly. The action made her blush, but it made her feel loved in the heart, her heart was beating hard and racing at this point, it felt good to have someone take her in and care for her, its all she ever wanted*

Dylan: "Shhh, shh, shh, it's okay, I promise you, i'm here now, I'll Protect You" *my words seem to make her tear up again, but they seemed like happy tears, loving tears, I smile and softly and gently keep repeating "Shhh" To calm her down, whilst pulling her back down into my neck/chest, I start stroking/petting her soft hair, it seem to help her relax and forget the fact she was crying and how people didn't care to help her, but not me tho, I'll be here even if I have to risk my entire life for her, The sniffling and the pouting eventually turned into soft, quiet breathing, it was amazing, maybe later on, I can take this even further than what we are now, until now* "Rest Easy Little Angel~, I'll Protect you" *I whisper into her ears, her ear twitching a bit, her gripped yet again tightened onto me again, and I wrapped my other arm around her upper body and my other free arm to lower part, I put my hand onto her butt to make sure I keep a grip onto her and that she doesn't fall over when I sleep. She was a very Beautiful, sweet little girl, I promise to cherish this big heart of hers, for the rest of my life~*

[Sherry's POV]

Sherry: *His company was perfect, I didn't know what to say but thank you, I hope he doesn't get rid of me.. He s-* "Rest Easy Little Angel" *He said softly as I am clinging onto him, he makes me feel free from the pain I've dealt with before, He makes me feel good inside, I think he might be the one. I say thinking as I am half asleep, But if I had to say if there is something I noticed when he brought me home is.. He seemed so stressed and depressed with his self, I may be an average Kitty like girl, but.. I can tell if there is something wrong with someone just by looking at them. I don't have much experience on peoples feelings due to them not wanting to be around me, but with him.. With Dylan, I don't mind if no one wants to be around me or him, As long as he is around me now, I think i'll be the happiest girl ever, I nuzzle into his neck, smiling to these loving thoughts, and I whisper, which I felt sunken when I said it. I didn- "I love you" *My face heated up as I my heart ached feeling so stupid for these thoughts, Why did I say it, Why?!*

Sherry: "I-I-i'm so so sor-" *My face practically exploding with heat and steam! I seen his eyes closed and.. Our lips.. a-are touching.. a-and his tongue!?!? I'm going to faint at this point! but.. 

[3rd Person POV]

*She didn't hold back, she lifted herself up now basically sitting on him, her hand on his right cheek as he held her close, There kiss deepened as seconds passed by. Both, Dylan and Sherry were starting to breath heavy, eventually they both pull back a bit, their tongues slightly sticking out of there mouths, a saliva line was connected still from both, It started to drip, Sherry was a bit lustful and Dylan was amazed and so in love, her feeling is mutual a long with him. They both are blushing 50 shades of red at this point as there eyes are staring at each other, there eyes just a slight bit open. Dylan smiled happily as he pecked her again on the lips as he blushed cuddling her into his arms once again, his right arm around her upper body and his left holding her up by the lower end, Love is in the air as she smiled and sighed full of surprise and love in her voice as she let out air from her lungs, a hint of moan could be heard "Ahhh~" *Dylan chuckled by her reaction and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief* "I love you too~" *He said strongly, and in a caring gesture to his new lover "Alway's and forever~"


1,383 words, I pretty proud, if you guys are liking the story make sure to leave a vote! I will work on chapters in my free time and when i'm relaxed, Writing these calms me, so i'm more than happy to make them <3 Love you all! And you the most Sherry~ <3 

P.S I always love more~ Can't beat me

(DISCONTINUED) I Can Be Your Light To Your World (Sherry x Dylan)Where stories live. Discover now