💙 You're more than enough for me

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The results for the Classification Aptitude had just arrived in school. A young Jeon Jungkook was eager to confirm that he was an Alpha. He was sure he was an Alpha, coming from a family of great Alphas himself, he knows there was no way he wasn't an Alpha.

"Jeon Jungkook," his name was called on by his teacher then he sits in front of the people that took their tests a while back. The nice man in a white lab coat typed diligently on his laptop, "Let's see," he murmurs, making Jungkook sit on the edge of his seat, he was very excited.

"Congratulations, Jeon Jungkook-ssi, you're an Omega."

For years he had thought that he'd be an Alpha someday like his appa and hyung. He wanted to be an Alpha because he wanted to be the next generation of great Alpha Jeons of history. He knows no one will really mind him being an Omega, his mother is an Omega, and some of his cousins are, too. But it's so much different than what he expected his life to head.

Just as he thought, when he came home that day, his father and mother weren't disappointed that he was not like he expected himself to be. Maybe he's just overestimating himself. Jungkook had plans but these plans were ruined because of his stupid classification.

"Kook-ah, it doesn't really matter whether you're an Alpha or an Omega, you can do great things by just being yourself, always remember that." His appa told him that night before he went to bed. And yeah, maybe Jungkook can. He just needs to redesign his plans for the future.


Five years later Jeon Jungkook meets a certain Kim Taehyung in college when he's moved to Incheon to pursue better colleges. He is his classmate in one of their minor subject together, art. He's immediately taking a liking to the older because of his quirky attitude and friendly nature. He's always been the talk of the campus, too, for two things: one, for being handsome, and two, for being very secretive about his classification.

He always wears a scent suppressor like it is grown attached to him, and Jungkook wonders why. There are a few rumors circulating that Taehyung is an Omega, too, since the suppressants are popular products for Omegas. Maybe his scent is so sweet that no Alpha can resist him once they've taken a sniff? Probably. Also, there are other clues that Taehyung could be an Alpha, too. For one, he's a bit thin and soft (with only a hint of muscle present), he's smaller compared to usual Alphas and Betas, and he's eerily peaceful (which is a major trait of an Omega). So yeah, maybe Kim Taehyung is an Omega.

"He's wearing a scent suppressor. Maybe he's an Omega, too?"

"Don't be silly, he's too broad for an Omega."

Jungkook hears someone talking and yes he knows it's directed to him. Ever since he had presented (and yes, the test results were accurate) Jeon Jungkook is, in fact, an Omega. But that didn't really stop him from doing what he wanted. He started wearing suppressants because a) his mother told him to and b) he doesn't want to be questioned why he has a bulky body but an Omega. It became annoying through high school and didn't want the same thing happening in college.

Jungkook started working out in high school because of Taekwondo ensuing his muscular body and broad figure. Is it really a common trope for only Alphas to have hard bodies and Omegas have soft ones?

Just as the bell rang, Taehyung arrives along with a hoard of classmates into the room. Taehyung sits beside him, as they always do, and Jungkook melts on Taehyung's boxy smile. "Hi, Kooks." He greets out loud and someone wolf-whistles behind Taehyung. It's Jung Hoseok, Taehyung's best friend, and possibly the only person to ever know Taehyung's classification. He doesn't out it though, he just says he does.

Through the boring discussion of the History of Art (because today was lecture day), Taehyung slides a folded paper on Jungkook's armchair discreetly and Jungkook mouths, "What is this for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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