Tyler's Smile.

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Still happy and smiling about Chris kissing you on the cheek, your sat on the train to Cardiff where you'll be staying the night in a hotel ready for your second HWE concert, just thinking to yourself that even if you don't meet the rest of the boys your birthday tomorrow will be something to remember, and why did you act like such a dork and why didn't you say this and that to him. Keep replying him pulling you in and kissing your cheek when you feel yourself blush again. Finally it's your stop, you get off get in a taxi and go to your hotel. You go to your room, put on your pj's then go down to the vending machine where you bump into Tyler. You freeze in the doorway when Tyler looks up and sees you standing there, blushing and grinning like a moron. He doesn't say a thing he just picks up what he got from the machine then walks past and gives you the biggest grin you though was possible. You don't know what to do with yourself so you just turn around and go back to your room. You love that Tyler smiled at you but wish you weren't in your pj's with your hair thrown up. After a long day you crash ready for part 2 of HWE tomorrow.

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