questions answered

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[3rd POV]

"I changed species last week and I don't know what to do about it"

Alex stared at the kitten ears that stood on top of the man's head. They hadn't expected the person who needed help with hybrids to actually be one. But here the black and silky cat ears stood on top of the humans head. Yoongi was clearly a human with some kind of mutation, because he had human and animal ears and he wasn't acting very animal like.

"You changed species? Please elaborate? How did this happen?" Alex asked Yoongi, still staring at the ears in awe.

"Well, I woke up yesterday with tiny ears on my head and a short tail. I immediately contacted the hybrid blog I had seen the day before as it seemed to be legit. I have been sick for the past week and bedridden due to a bite I got from a cat we were pet-sitting with a couple of friends. Right now the bite had sealed and almost fully healed. I don't know if that has anything to do with my situation", Yoongi explained leaning back and apparently getting very interested about the table in front of him. He could faintly feel his ears move to the back as he was getting so much attention drawn to them. 

A silence followed Yoongi's explanation. Nobody said anything. Yoongi stared at something on the side of the table a little uncomfortable due to the inspecting glares Alex was producing. Lucas just sat there wide eyed partly amazed and partly excited. 

"So you've had your ears and tail for like 36 hours?" Alex asked seeming to get over the shock. They were now leaning towards the table with their elbows resting on the table's surface.

"Yeah, about so. I wanted to ask questions from the blog person, but they suggested that I would meet up with someone to get better answers to some specific questions I had. That person ended up to be you, could you please answer some of my questions?" Yoongi pleaded sounding desperate. The confusion and stress caused by the mutation was clearly evident in his actions. 

[Yoongi's POV]

"Yes, I will try to answer the best I can. I've only hear rumors about a human turning into a hybrid, so you are the first one I've witnessed", Alex said a little apologetically, as they maybe wouldn't be able to answer all of my following questions. Lucas was still looking at me with a curious look in his eyes and his tail was softly wagging from side to side. My tail was laying limp next to my thigh.

"Okay, so, what I got from Jo, hybrids are born and their ears and tail grow at the same pace as the body, right? Will my ears and tail stay this size or will they grow more? They have grown a lot from yesterday, so I'm just interested how much they can grow", I start off with a relatively easy question that is not the biggest of concerns.

"Can I inspect your ears and tail so I could see their development stage? I would need to touch them though, are you okay with that?" Alex says and stands up to come to the my side of the table when I let them do their thing. Placing their knee to the seat next to mine to gain better access to my ears, they firstly visually inspect them.

"So, since you have your human ears, your cat ears won't have the room to grow to the normal size of adult cat hybrid ears. Also it's likely that your hearing in your human ears will worsen, because you won't be using them much anymore. Your hearing overall will get better since hybrid ears are almost as sensitive as the actual animal's ears. I'll now touch them", and now they are feeling around both of my ears with their fingertips. At first it was a little painful, since nobody but me has really touched them, but after a while the gentle touches became relaxing and nice. 

"Yeah, I think your ears will still grow quite a bit. A 6 or 7 year old kitten hybrid would have the ears this size. But I noticed you relaxed with my touch, so that is a really good sign! That means your body is adapting to this whole thing very fast which is good. I'm going to look inside them now if that's okay, this might sting a little since you are sensitive still", and with that Alex took out a tiny flashlight and looked into my ears with that before flipping my ears inside out.

I let out a yelp at the unexpected sensation in my ears. It didn't necessarily hurt, it just felt very uncomfortable. Kind of like if you flipped our eyelids inside out. It made me want to fix my ear into the proper position, but I tried to stay as still as possible. Alex was quickly done with my left ear and moved to the right one repeating the check. 

"Yup, both are healthy and seem completely fine. I'll just quickly visually inspect your tail. I would like to check your reflexes and senses too, but we don't have the time or the equipment here. Also that would be best to do after your body and brain has fully settled", and after a quick tail check Alex smiled and said everything to be fine. My tail was apparently going to grow until it reached the floor when it was relaxed. 

"My next question: My eyes can't focus on still things for long and if anything comes very near my eyes I can't see anything clearly, is this normal?" I would have asked about the loss of hearing the other day, but I kind of did get an answer to that so I didn't bother.

"Yup, totally normal for a cat hybrid, you can get glasses if you want. It'll help with reading", Alex said nodding a little.

At this time the waiter came into the room bringing out our food that Alex quickly grabbed at the door so me and Lucas wouldn't have to fiddle with our hats. We started eating and chit chatted more about hybrids while we ate. 

Lucas told me about his other hybrid friends and how nice it was to meet another cat hybrid, even if I wasn't a completely normal hybrid. Lucas told me that Alex had found him on the streets and had taken him in. Alex had apparently done research in their university about hybrids a little before the encounter, and took Lucas in with open arms. What saddened me was that hybrids usually were kept in scientific labs for government testing, and when they were released for secret organizations they were usually treated pretty badly like toys.

We were already done eating, and I decided to ask the biggest questions I had bothering my mind.

"Do you have any theories why or how I started this mutation?" I asked hoping to get some answers to the biggest stress causers in my life currently.

"I have actually no idea, but I'll look into how this could have happened. I will inform you as soon as I find something", Alex said looking a bit sad, apologizing. 

"No it's fine, let me know when you find something", I said and I could see a spark of determination in Alex's eyes.

"Now for the last question of today: How do I turn back? I really can't live as a hybrid hiding my identity at all times. Something has caused this, so there is something to fix this too, right?", I asked hope and desperation in my eyes. 

I really need to fix this situation so I can go back to hanging out with the rest of the guys. I need to fully work too and todays practice just confirmed that with my condition being a member of the worlds biggest boy group turned out to be nearly impossible. I want my old life back where I was happy and content with life even with our crazy schedules, over working and lack of sleep being daily things. These past few days I've been feeling very lonely and stressed with no one to talk to because the guys think I just have some weird kink that I'm embarrassed about. 

Alex looked conflicted on what to answer to my question and Lucas just looked down sadly. Maybe he was disappointed his new 'friend' didn't want to be like him. After a while the silence is broken.

"I unfortunately know the answer to that question, and I'm going to answer truthfully, you deserve it", Alex sighed and looked down before looking straight into my eyes and said:

"There is no 'cure' for this. I know this for sure with all the tests the scientist have done to reverse engineer hybrids mutations. There is no solution. I don't know how you turned, there are too many possible causes, but there is no cure. You are a hybrid now, I'm sorry"

And with that my false sense of security that this all would be fixed came crashing down. 

There is no cure.




It wasn't that great, but oh well. Welcome to reality Yoongz :^)

Word count: 1535 

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