TakenShipper: Bitch,who kicked me out from this group?!
Devil: When did you joined?
TakenShipper: Ask your scared husband
shut the fuck up: Why am I involved?
JeongPhine: Sorry Baby,I just said something
TakenShipper: it wAs YOu?!
Shortie: Someone's gonna break u
Gentleman?: What happened to you Woozi?
Hosh: I don't want him to tell those sentence again😪
Pabo: Same
Shortie: bItcH
Actor: Lasagna
Fairy8: TH BABE
Actor: 😅
JeongPhine: SoMeOne hel
Divaboo: What is it?
AirHead: Hello?
AirHead: Jeongin?
TakenShipper: He's dead
shut the fuck up: WhAt
Devil: He's just kidding,Coups
shut the fuck up: For a second, I thought he really did
Beanie: guYyS
Memegyu: What happened?!
Beanie: How dare you Mingyu
Memegyu: whAt?!
Pabo: Don't mind hIm
Fairy8: He's just dying
Memegyu: T F
Fairy8: Because of you
Memegyu: What????
Beanie: How dare you slay this pictures?!
Divaboo: What pic?
Memegyu: Oh
Memegyu: oh
Memegyu: OHHHHH
Beanie: bitCh, yOu aRe nOt suPpOSe To kIlL Me?!
Devil: Oof—
Memegyu: Sorry?
Beanie: sorry? HELL NOOO
Memegyu: Babe t H
Beanie: I am suing you
Fairy8: Oof—
Actor: He is whipped as fuck
Gentleman?: LANGUAGE?!
Pabo: Lmao 🤣
Memegyu: What are you doing, babe?
Beanie: I am fucking suing you
Memegyu: StOP chasing me?!
shut the fuck up: Oh boy
JeongPhine: T H, I just opened my account and this?
JeongPhine: Who is suing who?
Fairy8: Wonwoo is suing Mingyu
JeongPhine: For?
Pabo: Slaying a goddamn picture
JeongPhine: Oh
JeongPhine: He whipped
Actor: I know right
shut the fuck up: cNa SoMeOne SToP WoNwOo frOm cHasinG MiNgYu?!
shut the fuck up: tHey fUcKing bUmpEd Me?!
shut the fuck up: mY MilK 🥛 is GOne?!
Shortie: yoU drInK MiLK?!
shut the fuck up: So?
Hosh: GuGfbHuGvJ
Shortie: What happened to you?
Hosh: scOUps YoU arE tHe One DrInkiNg mY FuCkInG mIlK BoTTle?!
Shortie: Oof—
shut the fuck up: Sorry?
shut the fuck up: Hel
JeongPhine: Hyung?
Devil: mY babY Is IN DAnGer I will helP yOu
TakenShipper: JeongCheol✔️
Divaboo: It's been awhile Dino ah
TakenShipper: I know right
AirHead: Yeah, it's been awhile since VerKwan had been checked
Pabo: Awwwww
Gentleman?: I already missed this couple
Fairy8: No ones asking for you opinion
Gentleman?: What the heck
Actor: Poor hyung😂
Divaboo: I—
Shortie: Awww, He's fucking speechless
Hosh: T H
Devil: Where is my husband?!
Hosh: Basement
Devil: What is he doing there?
Hosh: Umm, locked?
Hosh: Wait What?
Devil: Where are you Hos
TakenShipper: SoonHoon✔️
JeongPhine: Why?
TakenShipper: Woozi hyung chased him with a knife
Hosh: Oof—
Actor: It's my birthday yesterday
Fairy8: We kNow
Actor: Then why?
Gentleman?: We are just waiting for Hoshi's birthday and then we'll celebrate it
Actor: Oh
Fairy8: We didn't forgot your bday baby
Actor: Sorry 😅
Devil: go to sleep
Hosh: Oof— You are alive
Devil: Just.....go to sleep
TakenShipper: But it's morning
TakenShipper: Fine
TakenShipper: Hope Woozi hyung kilL you
Devil: Wait wh
Hosh: Oof—
FanfictionWho decided to put the 13 crackheads in one group chat?! It's a fuCKiNg meSS?!