Introduce ourselves to him

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*Everyone went online*

TakenShipper: Yow,whatup hyungs!?

Worst리더: Can someone tell me what did this maknae eat?

Devil: Mingyu?

Memegyu: He stole my food.

Devil: Oof

Beanie: Why would you do that,Dino?

TakenShipper: Hehe,I am hungry actually.

Memegyu: You could've just told me then.

TakenShipper: I'll do that next time.I am sorry.

Memegyu: It's okay!

AirHead: whAt tHe fUck iS tHaT LoUd tHUd!?

Gentleman?: Langguage.

Pabo: Joshua!

Gentleman?: Whoops,I am sorry.

Hosh: Sorry,that was me.I fell off the bed again.

Shortie: He keep falling.

Hosh: For you

Fairy8: sToP tHat HyUnG!?

Hosh: Can't do!

Shortie: I am dying.I hate this feeling.

Hosh: Don't die,I'll miss you if you do.

TakenShipper: SoonHoon✔

Memegyu: Someone stop him!?

Beanie: I am cringing.

Divaboo: wHy tHe fUcK Is THis HappEninG!?

Devil: Because he's cheesy as hell.

Worst리더: Agree.

Beanie: gYu,hELp!?

Memegyu: whAt,whEre,wHy,wHEn,wHo!?

Divaboo: Wow.

Actor: Completed 'Wh' w--

Beanie: I am hungry!

Shortie: My head is hurting as hell.

Memegyu: I'll be right there,Beanie!?

Memegyu: Woozi hyung come to the kitchen so I can check you while I cook.

Shortie: Okay!

Beanie: We are officially getting taken care by Mingyu.

*Memegyu went offline*

TakenShipper: Meanie✔

Divaboo: I am dead inside.My head hurts like hell too.Where can I get a Mingyu?

Actor: Impossible.

Divaboo: Why?

Actor: He's the one and only Puppy Angel in the world.

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