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*JeongPhine kicked TakenShipper out of the chat*

Devil: For?

shut the fuck up: Please, not something about me~

shut the fuck up: I almost die, I get hospitalized

JeongPhine: Oof—

JeongPhine: No, it isn't about you

Shortie: For what,asshole?

JeongPhine: For my feelings?

Beanie: arE YOu fUcKing RegrETtinG yOUr DEcIsIOn?!

Memegyu: Imma fight a man asshole?!

JeongPhine: I still

Fairy8: Then What?

JeongPhine: I want to marry him

Gentleman?: Hold on, asshole(Sorry For My Sin)

Gentleman?: You're literally a baby

JeongPhine: Bitch, am not?!

Hosh: He is crying

JeongPhine: What?!

Pabo: "Why did I get kicked out of the group?"-Lee Chan

JeongPhine: Hurry up guys, help me!

shut the fuck up: Propose, bitch!

Beanie: But, that's not easy though 😂😅

JeongPhine: What?

Beanie: You need to make a speech or what for him, make a plan, venue, preparings, practice in front of the mirror, get on one knee, and pull the box out of your pocket

Beanie: 💥 Let's just wait for his respond

Airhead: WOW

Shortie: What? How?

Beanie: Ummm

Memegyu: He's an advicer

Devil: I guess he'll propose to you Mingyu

Beanie: THe fuck?!

Beanie: I ain't doing that shit

Memegyu: Oh

Shortie: I smell break up

Hosh: Here we go again with this shit

Shortie: What?

Hosh: StOP saying those words, because of that VerKwan broke up

AirHead: Can you please

AirHead: StOP?

Divaboo: I ain't having this conversation

Devil: What?

Divaboo: I am leaving this chat

Divaboo: Bye, assholes, bitches

Devil: Don't you dare

*Divaboo left the group chat*

Devil: Bitch

Shortie: Pft, don't come back

JeongPhine: GuYs

Memegyu: Okay, Okay

Beanie: When is this going to hap

JeongPhine: Huh?

Shortie: Emo?

Memegyu: He's not an emo

shut the fuck up: I saw Dino marching up to Wonwoo

Hosh: Then?

shut the fuck up: I don't know what happened next, 'cause I enter my room

Gentleman?: Guys, I heard a scream

JeongPhine: What's happening?

Memegyu: shIt,DiNo HavE My bAbY?!

Pabo: Oof

Pabo: Goodluck getting him

Gentleman?: He's crazy

Memegyu: Fine

*Memegyu went offline*

Pabo: Oh, was that Mingyu?

Fairy8: Bitch yeah

Pabo: Oof we gotta blast Hao

Fairy8: Let's kill this shit

*Pabo went offline*
*Fairy8 went offline*

Gentleman?: So He's helping his friend but not his boyfriend?

Gentleman?: How pathetic 🙄

JeongPhine: Jealous

shut the fuck up: Imma 🛏

AirHead: What is that suppose to mean?

shut the fuck up: Imma go to bed

AirHead: Oh

shut the fuck up: You have something in mind don't you?

AirHead: Umm

*AirHead went offline*

JeongPhine: Oof—

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