Unrequited love || Canada x Reader

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Sometimes life gives us the privilege to love but denies us the privilege to be loved back.

Profound, ain't I?

So yeah I don't see often unrequited love fanfics so I'mma put some ugly reality in this one were Canada doesn't like Reader back, but I'll also do a Oneshot were is Reader who doesn't like back.

Which country could it be?

Now, on with the Oneshot


Y/N looked outside her bedroom window.

He was coming over, and the only the thought of the two of them being together again made her heart pound fast, butterflies in her stomach.

Lost in daydream Y/N almost didn't hear the doorbell, but when it came to her that someone was at the door she bolted outside her room and down the stairs towards the entrance door.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror near the door she made sure to be as nice as possible, then  proceeded to finally open the door to his friend.

Oh, how she loved she could call him differently, like, his boyfriend.

As the door opened the fresh air of a spring afternoon flooded her home refreshing the warm insides of her living room.

And there he stood, in front of her, unaware of the feelings buried deep in her chest.

"Canada, hi! Come in, it's cold outside." The girl movied aside to let him in.

As Canada started to take off his coat the door got shut behind him.

Y/N walked past from behind him and asked if he wanted anything to drink or eat, which he refused politely.

"Are you sure? Your hands are freezing!" At which she took one of his cold hands into her warm ones.

Canada chuckled at his friends caring behavior.
She was indeed a nice friend.

They sat on her couch, facing each other.

"Did you want to tell me something?"

Right, she texted him that when he was over at her place she had to tell him something.

She wasn't sure about it, now she wanted that he would just forget about it, and have one of their usual afternoons together.

But knowing Canada, he wouldn't give up easily.

So she just spoke. 

"Mh. Canada. Would you- would you like- to be- morethanfriends?"

Y/N spat it out like that, her heart going a thousand miles and her cheeks started to warm up on her face.

"What a coincidence!"

Y/N was confused. Did he feel the same?
The sole thought of that made her dizzy and lightheaded.

"Just yesterday I bought this for us! I wasn't sure you would've liked it, but now I'm sure about it!"

Y/N was as happy as she could be. She almost jumped form the couch when he took out something from the pocket of his jacket.

Canada opened it for her, showing it's content.

It was a really nice and polished,

-best friends necklace.

One of those that can be split in two halves, one for each. It was black and white.

Y/N stared at it as if it just started speaking.

"Yesterday when I bought it my girlfriend dared to laugh at it. But you like it, right?" Canada looked at the girl in front of him that stared into nothingness with wide eyes.


It took the boy some time to realize what was going on.
Then he finally decided to give some context.

"Oh, sorry to break it to you like that. It's not long tho. She is really nice. I can introduce her to you if you want to."

Noticing her unreadable expression he quickly added.

"-But, don't worry! We will still be in touch with each other. I won't ignore you just because I have I girlfriend, eh." He then proceeded to put the 'friend' half on her, leaning in to lift her hair so that the necklace' string was around her neck.

Canada leaned back, putting on his other half that read 'Best'.

"Because we're best friends!"

He flashed one of his gorgeous smiles to her with closed eyes.

"Yeah." Her feeble answer merely making it to be heard by him.

She leaned in and weakly hugged Canada, which he returned by engulfing her in his warmth and delicate scent.

They stayed like that for some time, that to Y/N was precious and priceless.

Then he had to leave, explaining that since he was engaged he couldn't spend entire afternoons with her anymore.

Sure, he would come, but it had to be quick, maybe the time for a tea, and then he would leave.

Of course, he couldn't make the one he loved jealous.

She couldn't believe it.

It must be hell, it has to.
What else could it be?


After this let me quote Dante:

"Amor ch'a nullo amato amar perdona."

Verse 103 of the fifth canto, Inferno.

Meaning: whoever is loved is obligated to love them back.

(((Sorry if I died, I kinda lost my account so yeah-)))

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