Prologue: Experiment Gone Wrong?

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           Marinette is busy with her very first batch of macaroons. She wants to them get them just right. She remembers how her instructor in the class she took in culinary arts taught her. It is a gift to be able to make things that look like a word of art, but an even greater on to make them edible as well.  She was grateful for that little pep talk as she is not the sort to give up easily.

         Try as she might she still has yet to master the art of sweets!  It seems she is good at just about anything else.  With a long line of bakers in her background, it makes her feel as if she were the oddball out, the one speck in society that is the one to let them down.  She must find a way to perfect her cookies, her pastries, cakes and more.  It must be done!  It will be done!

        Marinette double-checks the recipe to see what it says.  Then she frowns, she is not quite sure that she has put in enough flour, or that she got the eggs beaten just right.  For that matter, how is she to make them just right with no one to sample them.  Hmm, well she reasons when I finish them I will have to find someone brave enough, no honest enough to try them.

         She measures the other ingredients into a bowl.  Once she finishes, she scoops the dough up with a small measuring spoon being careful to pour a small dab like so onto the cooking sheet. Then, continues this process until there are six mounds on it. She hums along as she puts it into her oven that says 350 degrees Fahrenheit on it.  She places the try into it and sets a timer!

       "There now that should do it!"  She says to herself.  She might as well as there is no one else around to talk to at the moment.

        Ten minutes later, she removes the batch to let them cool.  She repeats the previous steps, over and over until she has over a dozen freshly done macaroons.  Next., she waits for them to cool.

       Marinette happens to see a boy walk past. She notices he appears to be busy on his phone.  Very well, no matter, she thinks, he will do rather nicely!  She grabs his arm and pulls him into the bakery.  She looks on in amazement as he continues to glance at his cell phone.  Why on earth he should bother with it right now is beyond her.

       An hour later, the boy puts the phone in his pocket, he looks around him and his jaw drops.  It appears he just now realizes where he is that he is not on the sidewalk, but is some old building. Strange he thinks, I do not recall this place.  No, I cannot say I have.

       "I know it seems odd, but please try my macaroons!  You see I need someone to sample them and well, you were the first one who came to mind."  Marinette says suddenly shy around the strange, tall boy with the blonde hair and green eyes.  Come to think of it, she thinks, he is not a boy at all, but rather a young man.  Not just any young man, but a dashing one.

     "I beg your pardon!"  Adrien says.

  "Well, you do not have to be so rude.  You could have just said no!"  Marinette says with a look of disappointment in her eyes,

     "Fine, I will try them." Adrien says.

     "Okay, thank you!"  Marinette says with a gleam in her eyes.  She brings a try with the items on them for him to "try."

          Adrien takes a bite of one and finds the taste to be rather horrid.  It is not the best thing he has ever had, but not the worst either.  He makes a funny face, then runs outside and spits a huge chuck of the food into the trash can.  Then, he reenters the funny place with the pink shutters and pink roof.

       "Miss, I must say that is not any good." Adrien says.

        "What?  You mean it is that bad, huh?"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

         "Uh, I did not mean to make you upset, it just that it taste like let me see...It is like an experiment gone wrong." Adrien blurts out.

          "Oh, thank you for your honesty, uh what was it again?"  Marinette says.

          "Oh, the names Adrien Agreste and you are?"  Adrien says.

         "I just happen to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  I am must say I am terribly sorry that the cookies were that bad.  I am just not that good at the whole dessert thing."  Marinette says.

          "Miss, you know it is okay.  I mean not everyone is that good at baking.  Besides,  I sure if you really want to make them you could just try this trick my grandmother taught me." Adrien says.

         "Oh, what might that be?"  Marinette ask. She raises an eyebrow out of curiosity now.  

        "The trick is that you should never try to make a new item and expect it to turn out just swell the first go around.  Why even all the famous chefs have their own specialties you know!  Perhaps, you just have not found yours yet."  Adrien remarks.

           "Wow, thanks!"  Marinette says. She smiles, shakes his hand and says,  "I apologize for the whole guinea pig treatment, Adrien."

            Adrien laughs.  He sees her frown and says,  "Do not worry, cutie you will be better at this in no time!"   He winks, walks away and thinks, well that certainly went over well.

          Marinette watches him leave and scowls.  She thinks, why he is positively impossible.  She cannot believe he would criticize her baking skills, talk about his grandmother and act as if it were just a casual conversation between friends.  She barely knows the guy.  Well, she thinks, I suppose that is not a bad thing, not bad at all.

          to be continued in  Chapter 1  Macaroons Round 2?

Magnificent Macaroons!  An Adrienette fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now