Chapter 1 Macaroons Round 2?

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    A few weeks later, Marinette is at it again. She is in the same building as before and is hard at work making more macaroons.  She finishes a huge batch this time. She cooks them and waits for them to cool.  This time the blonde boy, what was his name, oh yes, Adrien is not nearby.

     Once the treats cool off she bites into one surprised to discover the food tastes good this time around.  She is so glad and it is all thanks to Adrien's advice. Too bad, she can not thank him for the improvement of the desserts.  She sighs as she works on a few more batches of the food. She finishes them a bit faster than the previous batch.  Then, cools them off as usual.

    Now, Marinette places a sigh in the window that says "Open for Business!"  She waits to see what happens since the Magnificient Macaroon Place is all ready for customers.  She sees no one show up, so she returns to the kitchen and makes a few brownies. These do not turn out as great as the macaroons, but at least they do not taste bad. She puts a few of them on display as well.

     A few hours later, someone makes the bell ding on the door as they enter the place and take a look around them.  "Hi, Marinette! So, the place is open huh?" A voice asks.  
   "Yes, who wants to know anyway?"  Marinette asks without looking up.

     "Oh, that would be me," He says.

        The man chuckles as her eyes gleam in response as she looks at him in surprise.  It appears to be the woman is not sure how to respond to his presence.

        Adrien's  POV:

         Adrien thinks it has been a while since I last came here, but I did not expect this kind of response from her.  He believes the whole thing is a bit amusing.  It is obvious why the startled look she is either happy to see him or wishes he would leave.  He is just not sure yet which is the case because what does he know about her anyway?  

     He knows they met under rather usual circumstances and that she was rather taken aback by the response he had given her then.  He laughs as he thinks about how her dimples make a nice heart-shaped pattern when she is angry.

    "Marinette, I did not mean to startle you,"  Adrien says.

     "Adrien, what brings you back?"  Marinette asks.

     "I thought it would be nice to see how things are for you and was rather curious to know how the deserts are coming along,"  He tells her.

      "Oh, well I got a few batches of macaroons and a batch of brownies completed today.  I am not sure how they compare to your grandmother's cooking, but they are here available for sale now,"  She tells him.

    "How much for a brownie and four macaroons?"  Adrien asks. He wonders why is he brave enough to try her cooking for the second time.  The first time around almost had him out of work for a week.  He does not tell her this so to avoid making her feel bad.  It is not her fault she is not gifted in the area of sweets.

      "Oh, well that will be $5.95,"  Marinette says sweetly.

       "Okay, then here, and you can keep the change," Adrien says. He pays here with a $10.00 and leaves.

        Marinette's POV:     

           Marinette's jaw drops as she watches him go and realizes once again she forgot to think him.  She must admit she was surprised he ended up being her first customer.  It is not he owes her anything, so why did he insist on buying anything.   She smiles at the happy look he gave her when he paid for the treats.  She sure hopes he likes him.

       "Why should I care what he thinks?"  She asks no one in particular.

        She has no idea why his opinion seems to be on her mind, but it is just the same. She sighs as she takes out the latest batch of brownies, and macaroons out of the oven. She adds them to the goods for sale.  She sure hopes she will get more customers soon.  How else is she to stay in business?

     A child and his mother walk past the place and the kid asks,  "Mom, can I try a macaroon please?"

   "Sure son,"  His mother says. She enters the shop with her son. 
    "Hi, Miss, are you Marinette?"  The lady asks.

   "Yes, how may I help you?"  Marinette asks.

    "I would like two macaroons,"  The lady answers.

   "Oh, that will be $1.50,"  Marinette tells her.

       The lady looks at her surprised at the cheapness of the food but pays her the amount she told her, then she and her son leave with the two macaroons. Once outside, the lady, taste the first macaroon. She smiles when she notices the yummy texture, and hands the other one to her son for him to try it.

        Marinette smiles since the woman was her second customer that day. She thinks not many customers, but for the first day of business, it is better than nothing.  She sits behind the counter in tears now.

           A few hours later,  "We here this is the place to get the best macaroons, is that true?" A man and his wife ask her.

       Marinette does not get to answer as more people give their orders to her. "I hear from Adrien Agreste, this place macaroons are magnificent," A lady says.

       "Yes, I want some of those macaroons, and a brownie," A teen boy remarks.

   "Same," A teenage girl tells her.

         By the end of the day, there are few brownies left and only one macaroon.  Now, Marnette knows she needs twice as many macaroons to remain in business. She smiles at the thought as she puts the closed sign in the window for the moment. She goes home and prepares for bed.

       to be continued in Chapter 2

    -Summer out!     

Magnificent Macaroons!  An Adrienette fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now