[Prinxiety] Ugly

222 7 4

TW: Blood, knife, depressing thoughts, mentions of suicidal actions


It was early morning.

2:46 AM, to be exact.

When Roman had heard sobbing coming from the small bathroom not after away from his room.
It had been a long, tiring day for the creative side, as Roman had spent most of it with Thomas, doing things like working on plot ideas for videos, to finishing the editing of script. They had worked so much that nether of them realized how late it was until his host checked his phone. So was he a bad person, when he was tempted to ignore the painful sobs that were trying desperately to be silenced? Roman gently pressed against the door, his hand resting on it as he listened. He knew it was an awful thought of his, but he just wanted to sleep...
He had to help!
It was his duty as a prince, after all!
Knocking on the door, he softly cleared his voice. "Greetings, dear friend of mine!" He started, trying to be as quiet but audible that he could be so he didn't wake the others up. He could hear the other side trying to cover their mouth so no sounds would escape from it from the other side of the door. It wasn't working very well for them. "May I join you in there, if you do not mind?"
The sobbing mystery person didn't reply for a while, as they instead proceeded to do the same breathing exercise over and over again. Breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and then breath out for eight seconds. Could it be...? The person sighed dejectedly. "...Y-yeah... yeah, Princy, you... you can come in." He murmured depressingly, as if his voice couldn't bare to hold any joy at all.
The prince had expected to hear a 'click' to signal the door being unlocking, but when he went to turn the brown door handle, he realized that the door had never been locked in the first place. Why? Where they in a hurry to do something? If so, what? Roman slowly cracked open the door until he could see inside. His eyes widened at the sickening and horrifying sight in front of him.
His lover that he had recently gotten together with, the dark Virgil himself, was laying on the floor beside the bathtub, his head resting on the side of it. His purple patched jacket was on the ground beside him, drops of crimson scattered over it and a bloodied pocket knife resting on top of it. Virgil's arms were covered in varying sizes of cuts. The emo looked pale, tired, and barely alive, if he were honest. The blood had smudged severely on his arms, and he guessed he had run pressed them to his chest, because there was some on the black shirt we wore. Roman quickly made a roll of medical tape to wrap his arms and disinfecting cream to clean them, after rushing over to Virgil's side. "Oh, sweetheart..." Roman muttered sympathetically as he gently took his left arm and began to carefully put the protective cream on his arm. "Why would you do this to yourself..?"
Virgil's eyes began to fill up with tears, and at the moment, he didn't know if it was because of physical or mental pain. Or even both, for that matter. "They.. they make fun of me... of my... b-body..." He breathed quietly, a look of humiliation filling his eyes. "It hurts..."
Roman eyes flashed with anger. How dare someone make fun of his dark prince! "Who?! I'll make sure they wish they were never born at all!" He snarled protectively, but forced his hands to be steady.
Virgil shook his head, his purple eyes closing as tears dripped down in pale cheeks. "N-no... No.. You can't fight these people away this time... They're in my head, Roman. These are things I tell myself..." He whispered, lowering his head as his lover bandaged his left arm before moving onto his right. His tears began to fall faster and faster. "I-I'm... so embarrassed of body Roman...! I'm so fucking ugly and fat...! I'm disgusting and worthless and unworthy of you Roman, you're so good to me and I'm just... me. Just me. Nothing special or important. I just... I didn't want to worry you or Patton or Thomas or Logan... so I thought it would be better if I just... just..." He seemed not to be able to talk on anymore, shaking with pain, that he now knew was both physical and mental.
Rowan felt his stomach drop. How could he fight off these demons, if not physical? He... would just have to try with words. After finishing patching him up, he pulled his boyfriend into a loving and soft embrace. "My storm cloud... can't you see, what I see? Every time I look at you? I would still love you with all my heart, in any form you happened to take. I love you for you, Virgil. What matters to me is on the inside, Mi amor, not what's on the outside."
Roman pressed a gentle kiss to Virgil's forehead. He seemed to be calming down ever so slightly, much to the prince's relief. He knew these thoughts wouldn't go away get after talking to him for a small bit of time about this. But that's okay. They would go through this together until his love would see himself just how he saw him. He would never leave him, nor push his problems or feelings aside. He promised himself that.
"My love, trust me... when I say..."
"You have a perfect body.."


Word Count: 939
Actually pretty proud of this one.
... seems to happen a lot when I write Prinxiety... huh.

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