Happy Second Birthday Virgil💜

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//Forgot to post this yesterday!

Virgil groaned as he slowly came back to reality from the dreamless sleep he had been in. He didn't know what time it was, but by the smell of something sweet in the air, he could tell it had been enough time for at least one of the other sides to be up.

Wiping the sleep from his green and purple eyes, he drowsily got to his feet, dragging his feet as he stumbled to grab his purple patched jacket and slightly torn shirt. After taking the black shirt he had slept in off, he put both on before doing the same with his plaid pants and ripped black jeans. The anxious side went about doing the rest of what he needed to. Fixing his wild head of bed hair, putting on his exaggerated makeup, brushing his pointed teeth that were more like fangs.

Once done, and almost completely awake, Virgil was only a few steps outside of his dimly lit room when he felt someone tackle him into a tight hug. "Finally! I thought you'd died by how long it took you to get up! Oh! But wouldn't that be fun to see a real dead body, don't you think Scare Bear?" The side who he couldn't quite tell who it was yet exclaimed as they put him down. Shaking the surprise from his head, he identified the side to be Remus, who had clearly gotten the height between him and his brother. After all, he was only an inch or two shorter than him, while Roman was almost a whole head below him.
Virgil laughed, having used to Remus' comments. "You know that I sleep for a long time, Angel." He teased back with the nickname. "I always do."

"Well, it's a good thing! I thought we aren't going to get done in time, especially since Thomas burnt the first one!"


"Come on!"

Taking the purple side by the hand, Remus quickly dragged him down the halls, a few of the other side's rooms before making it down the steps and to the kitchen. Virgil's eyes widened and mouth opened at the sight. Patton, Logan, Roman, Deceit, and even Thomas was waiting for them in the kitchen, standing around purple decorations and a beautiful black cake with purple frosting pouring down from it on the table all the sides sat at together at to eat every day. Virgil glanced around at all of them with confusion as Remus left him to stand beside his brother. "What... is all this...?" He questioned, his heart starting to pound with worry. Had he forgotten an important event...?

Patton smiled his signature Patton Smile, beaming at his 'son' like he was the best thing he'd ever seen. "It's your birthday, kiddo! We thought we'd surprise you!" He chirped, truly happy. That is, he was, until he realized that the anxious side was... crying...? His pale eyes filled with worry as his smile faded and he halfway reached out to him. "Virge...? Are you okay...? Is this too much for you...?"

Virgil shook his head, trying to stop the tears from dripping down his face as a worried Roman placed a hand on his shoulder. "N-no, no this is perfect." He stammered, still crying but looking to everyone with a thankful smile. "I didn't... I didn't think you all would-"

"Of course we'd do something like this for you, Raven, we love you." Deceit quickly interrupted, pausing for a moment before continuing. "And that isn't a lie."

Virgil softly laughed, wiping his mismatched eyes. "Cake?" Logan suggested with a small, unusual smile on his face. He nodded gratefully, and the group of seven moved to sit at the table, Thomas quickly taking the sharp knife to cut the cake before Remus could get his hands on it. He pieces off of the cake, handing them to the sides before all of them began to dig into them. Virgil let out a sigh of relief as he realized they weren't going to sing him the painful 'happy birthday' song.

"Thank you, really, all of you." The dark side said after a few moments, smiling adoringly at his famILY. "This... means a lot to me."

Thomas returned the smile, placing a hand on his anxious trait's. "Of course. Like, Deceit said, we love you, and nothing will ever change that." The host softly replied.

"Happy birthday, Virgil."

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