Calls And Phone Numbers.

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Lauren's POV

"Colby, here." I hand him the camera, "You record and I'll go grab our tickets."

"Yeah sure." He nods and turns on the camera, his free arm already in the air, "What's up guys! It's Lauren and Colby here, we are at the airport right now, Lauren left to..."

I shake my head at him with a hidden smile as his voice starts to fade. I am so glad I have him in my life. 

The sounds and voice of the airport takes over, the smell of metal and coffee makes me tingle with happiness that I am finally traveling and doing what I love.

As I thank the guy behind the counter with a smile, I grab our tickets and turn to head back only for my phone to ring.

I grin at the caller, "Miss us already." I can almost hear him roll his eyes.

"Shut up." Sam grumbles, "I just wanted to make sure you guys have everything, and sorry that we couldn't come with you guys."

I brush him off, "It's cool Sam. Katrina is sick. And Cory had to go back home to his family." When I didn't get an answer, I say, "If she feels better in a few days, you and Kat can always meet us." I nod at Colby who pans the camera at me making me do a peace sign

"That would be awesome!" I can see him grinning widely, "Thanks Laur, also." I hear chatter in the background, "We have a collab when you guys get back."

I frown, it's not that I don't like to collab, it's just sometimes, people fake shit and ruin our videos because they get scared just cause their friends stepped on a twig.

It's annoying.

"And before you frown and give me the big fat no. You should know, it's Echoz."

And just like that, my breath catches at that.

One name.

One face.

Camila Cabello.

Colby frowns in confusion my way, and I blush, which makes me turn away from him.

"I can hear you blushing."

I scoff at that, "Shut up." I mumble making him laugh.

"So, what do you say."

My heart has never thumped so fast in it's life, I lick my suddenly dry lips and nod dumbly, till I remeber he can't see me, "Y-yeah, sure."

He laughs at my stutter, "Okay Laur." I can already tell he wants to tease me, but Katrina and Cory grabbed his attention, thank god. "I gotta go, enjoy your adventure and please be careful." I hear shuffling, "Tell Colby I say hi and that I love him."

With that he ends the call and I start walking towards a grinning Colby.

"And here is the business woman." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Sorry, that was Sam." I wiggle my phone that's on my hand as I give him his ticket. "He says to be careful and that he loves you."

Before he could reply, his phone dings, he turns it over and grins widely, "Got it." He says, showing me Sam's text.

I shake my head at him and we start heading to the check in.


We have 25 mins till we land, and I had just sent a tweet saying, 'the upcoming videos will not be edited. I want it raw and I want you guys to experience what we will be experiencing.'

To which management weren't happy with, till they saw the good feedback I got back in less than half an hour.

I was about to turn off my phone when I see I have a notification, clicking on my DM, my eyes widen.

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