Jeff's In Love~

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"What on earth is going on here?!" Slender appeared, the static filled my mind again, but it didn't hurt this time.

It was almost... calming?

It seemed like he could change the way his static affected people.

"LJ grabbed (Y/N), and I chased after him, then stabbed him, and he dropped her. She hit her head, we think she has a concussion." Jeff explained.

"You know the rules about harming other residents. You'll have to be punished, Jeffery. As for the girl, take her to Dr. Smiley. After that, come to my office, we shall discuss punishment." He said.

I processed, then spoke up.

That pissed me off.

"Slender, that isn't right. Jeff didn't do anything wrong. LJ attacked me first, Jeff was just defending me. If anyone should get punished, it should be LJ." You could tell I was angry from my tone of voice.

"You aren't an official resident. The rule does not apply to you. Jeff was still in the wrong, and he shall be punished. Do not correct me on how to take care of a house filled with killers, child." Slender warned.

The pause once again happened.

Damn concussion.

"I don't care if I'm an official resident. It still isn't right." I argued.

"(Y/N), just let it go. I've gotta get you to Smiley." He grabbed my arm and hoisted me up, then linked our arms to keep me steady.

Slender stood in the hall, watching us with his hands behind his back.

"Slender, please think about what I said. And if you liked what you heard, make some changes." I gave him a small smile and walked with Jeff.

He stopped in front of a white door, and began knocking.

He didn't stop until the door was opened, to which he hit a man with black hair and red eyes in the face.

"Jeff? What do you want?" The man, who I assumed was Dr. Smiley, said.

"Nothin much, this girl got a concussion." He said.

"Oh, your girlfriend has a concussion? And you're willing to leave her alone in a room with a man she doesn't know?" Smiley questioned.

"First off, I'll be coming in with her, secondly, she's not my girlfriend." Jeff said.

"Why'd you say the girlfriend thing last?" I asked.

"Because I- uh... I don't know. I just did, don't fucking question me." He pushes Smiley to the side and walked in.

The room was similar to Jack's, except the color of the walls were different, they were a cream color.

Jeff sat me down on the metal table and then stood directly next to me, watching Smiley's every move.

"So, how long ago did this happen?" Smiley asked, putting on latex gloves.

"About 10 minutes ago." Jeff answered while I processed what he said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I see there's some blood, but it's probably not too serious, there isn't much coming out." He tilted my head forward and moved my hair.

I could see Jeff move to look, too.

"Is it bad, Jeff?" I asked.

"Not really, just a little cut." He said.

Smiley moved to the counter and took off his gloves, then got out a light.

"I'm going to shine this in your eyes, follow the light but don't move your head." He turned the light on and shined it in my eyes.

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