Chapter 3:Lisanna Jealousy

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Lucy's POV

We were all still talking at the food court laughing,giggling,and chuckling,until I saw Salamanders shocked face.

"What's wrong?"I asked and he pointed behind us,me and Ella turned to see AW,or Animal Woman,meaning,Lisanna Strauss.

"Hey Lis"he greeted,I looked over to Lisannas face and it showed jealousy,anger,relief,and shock,probably because he's with Ella and I.

"Hey Natsu,so you ditched me for Lucy and Ella?"she asked with a sassy look,the hell is with this mess upped chick?!

"Natsu we have to go,bye Lu,Elle"she waved bye and dragged Salamander away,I looked over at Ella and she seems..infuriated.

"I get how you feel"I told her and got up.

"How dare she call us by our nicknames,it's only meant for us to call each other"she stood up and faced me with anger,she could've gone back to her old reckless self,but no,I calmed her down and left the mall,I drove her to her house,she thanked me and I left for my house.

"Lucy!"I heard someone call my name and I saw my cousin,Shaira Heartfilia,she seems to be back again,why?

She ran away from home and enrolled to another school,my family pitied her and helped her back at her feet,she would run home to school,and school to home,which was quite far from our house,she has family problems,she sleeps in my room,bit she's always busy sines she transfered to another school and had to keep up.

"Welcome back"I greeted

"Shouldn't I be the one to say that?"she placed her hands in her hips

"Yeah,yeah"I waved my hand off dismissedly

"When are you gonna update your stories Xianes?"she whispered,I quickly covered her mouth and pulled her to my room.

"Don't talk about that,only you and me know about our little 'secretly an author' life!"I scolded her

"Fine,new jacket?"she asked,I quickly realized that I hadn't returned the jacket to Natsu yet.

"N-No! I borrowed it,anyway you should also update more Xyra"I teased her and took of the jacket so I could wash it.

"Shush!I have a writers block alright!"she huffed and lied down at my bed,I followed her movement and we stared at the ceiling.

"Wanna eat the chocolate I brought home?"she asked


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