Chapter 18: Sunny and Rainy

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Hey Guys!

This was supposed to be a long chapter, but Wattpad crashed and only saved a quarter of it, so I, being the lazy bum I was, typed what I remembered and added some details, at this was it.

Another dedication to this user, she helped me lift up my spirits when I wanted to quit Wattpad because it deleted this long-ass chapter that I worked on the whole day, so Thank You to..


Also, I decided to end this book at chapter 20,and there'll be a sad ending, awww... BUT DON'T WORRY!! I also decided that there'll be a book 2!

So stay tuned for the next episode of Dragon Ball Z Kai!

I'm sorry, I just had to do that, anyway, I'll make an announcement for the 2nd book! And that book will have a happy ending! Isn't that great?!

Also from here on, this will be a fanfiction and not my boring FT life! So basically she's like a Dandere! She'll be her old sweet and living self instead of a boyish heartless girl I am!

Anyway, Enjoy the Chapter!


Lucy's POV

It was break time, I have to say, ever since that kiss, me and Natsu have gotten closer, NOT ROMANTICALLY!!! like.. close friends.. I think..

I just sat around and rested my eyes, it seems cloudless, but I still love the sun though,the rest were either gossiping or using their phones, but for me I just intertwined my fingers and leaned my back head on it as I stretched and admired te cloudless sky.

"Hey Lucy"he called me

"Hmm?"I looked over at him

"Come with me"he grinned and dragged me with him, instead of coming I was dragged, seriously, I mentally face palmed myself, he placed his hand in my eyes so I wouldn't look.

"Okay, close your eyes and I'll do somethin' "he said, I closed my eyes and he let go, I shut my eyes closed, I heard some sounds and footsteps

"Open your eyes"

I opened my eyes and saw that we were at a hilltop, there's one near our school, but I never knew that the view here would be this majestic!the clouds were surrounding us like an arena! No wonder there were no clouds in the sky! it was circled around us!

I feel like I fell in love with the sky, it's so pretty! The clouds are fluffy and white, but below the clouds are dark, meaning that it would rain, I love the sky so much that I just know when it'll rain, but it'll take a few hours,

"Like it?" he grinned

"Yeah, it's beautiful" I whispered, while I was staring and was mesmerised by the sky, he was leading me somewhere, the immidietly made me sit it was a placemat.

"What the?!"

"I knew it! You do love the sky! not just the stars !"he pointed out

"I love the sky,sunny or cloudy, starry or dark"I told him

"Me too, but I love the sun and Venus"he told me and also looked up the sky

"I like Venus too, it's the sister of Earth, and people say it's like hell" I licked my lips at the mention of 'hell'

"It's hot"he said

"Yeah, but it'll rain soon"I told him


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