Sorry, But TemporaryHiatus.EXE

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For Whom the Craft Tolls
Rayna's Game
~and others not posted...

Sorry, but I have temporarily discontinued these stories. I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON THEM! I just removed them until I either get more or finish the stories. I originally started posting chapter by chapter because I thought (assuming people liked it) it would help me be encouraged to write more. However, that only worked for so long. I appreciate everyone who was enjoying them, but I just have major ADHD Writer's Edition. I don't actually have ADHD, so I'm not comparing. I just have multiple story ideas, and not all of them can be used for one story.

My ideas can range from magic (mostly) to the mafia to aliens. My problem is finishing what I started. I have a huge problem with filler writing. I'm terrible at it. I get A, B, and C thought out, I just have issues, sometimes, with the roads in between them. Sometimes, that gets me down, and I end up putting the book down for a while. I occasionally mull over ideas for everything I write, though, so I never stop.

I think it's better if I wait until I get to the end or at least where I think the middle of it is before posting anything. I'm sorry for that, and I hope that comes soon for anything I'm writing. The only thing staying is the Book Titles one.

On any story I write, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Constructive criticism is very much welcomed. If you feel like something isn't written properly, please leave a comment next to the section and tell me where it is and what you think it should say or how it should be presented - I'll take it into consideration.

If you like visuals, check out my profile. In my blockage moments, sometimes I'll make scenes from the chapters. Sometimes it helps. I'll only post the sets if the chapter is already posted, so no, you won't be getting any spoilers. LOL! I also do outfits. This is also where I make my title images though I don't typically post them on there; I just snapshot it and save them for when they're needed. I just thought I'd let you know that you can do that on there :). My username on URSTYLE is Ynx Images. I have some other various creations on there that have nothing to do with a story. At least not yet.

Last but not least, I changed my "name" from The Anonymous J. to Ynx Publications... just because. LOL! I liked the way it sounded. Plus, I changed (at)TheAnonymousJ to (at)YnxAnonymous - it's basically just my fanfiction tag. Original works will have author names tagged to them.

Sorry, again! -TAJ / Ynx

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