Chapter One

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Annabeth Chase

"Annie!" The girl who called my name had a soft voice, a pretty voice.  And since I didn't like anything soft or pretty, it could only be Piper's Charmspeak.

I spared her a glance, and blew a kiss. 

"Come on! Chiron wants to meet us at the Big House. Top Secret apparently."

I groaned. Couldn't we get through one year, without starting another civil war? 

"Great!"I said sarcastically, "I'll go get Percy and the crew, while you go get your makeup." 

"First of all, I don't wear makeup. And second, Percy's at Goode, remember?" she said, rolling her eyes. 

"Unfortunately, I do." 

Percy had been bound by his ankle to Goode ever since Hera, as charming as ever, took his memories and sent his halfway across the world to a group of other demigods who would've killed him, if he hadn't been clueless.

Piper sighed, and her braids swung as she shook her head. She was clad in a royal blue sundress, knives sheathed all down her sides. Delicate features were unmarred by annoyance or anger. She looked almost peaceful.

Until Jason Grace slid in beside her, superior in purple and gold. "You don't think it's another Giant War, do you?" he asked. 

I shook my head in response. 

Piper was absently fiddling with her necklace, a birthday gift from her father. A little heart pendant glittered like poisonous water. Her hands were balled into fists, the set of her mouth tight.

Jason glanced towards her, his own blue eyes hardening.

I resisted the urge to cough, instead knocking open the door to the Big House. 

A small, dark shape hurtled towards me, and I fell against the door frame. It was Thalia, a bow slung over her shoulder and a smile twisting her mouth pleasantly. I thought the hug was sweet until Thalia leant forwards to hiss in my ear.

"Leo has to go, Anna. I'm not going anywhere with him."

"Oh, dear," I said diplomatically, stepping back with a stroke of her spiky hair. "And where would we be going?"

Clarisse, who was throwing and catching a knife, rolled her eyes. "To hell, if I must."

Jason, ever the peacekeeper, stepped forwards. "Where has Chiron gone?"

Leo gave a short laugh and sat up ramrod straight. He'd changed, was less outgoing and more down-to earth. I suppose dying did that to a person. "Brrrr," he said. "You and Piper going to act like Climate Change's solution forever?"

Nico cast him a wry glance. "Hang on, I can think up something good if you wait a minute."

Piper slid into a seat, blank and distant. 

Jason scowled at Leo, drawing a thin windbreaker closer to himself. And he might've started yelling, judging my the pallor in his skin, if Chiron hadn't entered with a sigh.

"I leave you all alone for two minutes and you're at each other's throats," he said, shaking his head so hard the glasses slipped off.

"Well, we have to get to Tartarus somehow," grumbled Reyna, her hair in a tight knot.

"I don't know about Tartarus, but how do you feel about Goode?" suggested Chiron meekly.

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