16; We Got Her

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Tris was only waiting for the world to dollapse and then swallow her whole

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Tris was only waiting for the world to dollapse and then swallow her whole. They still hadn't found their mother and the Lewis girl was almost on the verge of tears, but she bit them back. She couldn't visualize her life without her mom, neither could Simon. 

The siblings followed the redhead into the dark alleyway before emerging into the lit up streets again. Simon and Tris exchanged worried looks. "Anything?"

"Sorry," Clary sighed, shaking her head. "I'm still figuring out this tracking stuff. You know, Isabelle says I need to clear my mind, but it's kinda hard to be Zen when you're a Shadowhunter."

"If only we'd checked in, called every once in a while instead of totally avoiding her."

"Well, maybe it's worth telling her the truth," Clary shrugged. The twins shot her a look. "What? Come out of the coffin and the ghost town?" 

"Do you have any idea how she'll react?" Simon asked. 

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

"I don't know, Clary," Tris sighed. "It's a lot to wrap your head around."

"Simon, Tris. Don't forget, okay? This is the woman who put up with your endless band practices, your incurable hypochondria, who made you those gross mustard sandwiches when you refused to eat anything else." She turned to Tris. "She's the woman who supported you during the times of your best friend's loss, the one who always came to see you race against other players and even cheered for you when you didn't win. If she can accept you for all that, I'm pretty sure she can accept you for who you are."

"You know, mustard is actually high in antioxidants. It's actually pretty good for you. And the white bread--"

"Guys, I feel her," Clary's eyes widened as she began running forward. "She's this way, come on!"


"Mom," Tris and Simon breathed out as they entered the restaurant. Elaine looked, up, her eyes crinkling with her wide smile.

"Simon? Tris? Oh, thank God!" She pulled both her children in a tight hug and the twins hugged back just as tight until she pulled away. "Oh, I thought something terrible had happened. I have been looking everywhere for you two."

"We're so sorry," Simon apologized immediately. "There's something we need to tell you about where we've been and who we are."

"It's all right," Elaine said, surprising both of her kids. "I know."

"You do?" 

"What, did you guys think I wasn't going to find out? I mean, you two should have told me. I've been so worried. Simon, if your band manager hadn't found me and told me everything that's been going on, and Tris, if your med-school professor hadn't told me, I don't know what I would've done."

"My band manager?" 

"My med-school professor?"

"Hello, Simon, Tris," came a familoar voice. The siblings looked up to see Raphael with another man walk right behind him. He also wore a suit, had quite an athletic body with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"You told our mom?"

"Of course I did," Raphael scoffed. "I can't believe you didn't tell her we were out on tour."

"And I can't believe you didn't tell her about the recent surgeries we've been working on," the stranger said, smirking a little at Tris, who glared.

Simon nudged Tris a little and when her glare softened and she looked at her mother. "Right."

"We're sorry, Mom."

"My phone died, among other things," Simon sighed.

"Well, Raphael and Lyle were so kind to keep me company until we found you two."

"You know, you guys should take better care of your mother," Lyle chuckled. "It's far too late for anyone to be wandering the streets alone. I know you guys would feel horrible if anything were to happen to her."

"Oh, you're sweet, but you don't have to worry about me," Elaine smiled and looked at Simon. "Oh, sweetie, you're so pale and. . .cold. Tris, do you have the flu, 'cause you're burning right now. Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mom," Tris smiled, removing her mother's hand from her forehead.

"Let me get you a hot drink and you something iced. I'll be right back."

"Thanks, Mom," both turned once Elaine left. "What the hell?" 

"You should be looking for Camille, not your mother," Raphael said.

"You're threatening my family," Tris snarled.

"And you're threatening mine," Raphael glared.

"The longer Camille is free, the more people she kills," Lyle stepped in. "Our people. Don't make us stoop to Camille's level."

"Well, now that Simon and Tris are back, I think it's time we get going," Elaine walked in, handing Simon a hot chocolate and Tris an iced coffee.

"Really?" Raphael and Lyle put on fake frowns. 

"Oh, I wish there was something I could do to thank you for everything. You know what? Why don't you join us at our house for dinner? We can talk about Simon's music career and his accounting career. And we could talk about Tris' medical career and her atheltics."

"Mom, they can't," Simon frowned. "They're extremely busy."

"Guys, any friend of yours is a friend of ours. You are welcome at my house anytime."

"To your home?" 

Elaine hummed a yes.

"Well, that's a lovely invitation."

Tris grabbed Lyle's arm, catching him off-guard and pulled him towards the cormer. "Mom, give us a moment!"

Elaine nodded.

"What the fuck?" Tris hissed at the boy. "Who are you?"

"Lyle Aylin, nice to meet you," the man smirked a little.

"And med-school? I don't go to--"

"Its just a little bit of compulsion, Tristen. Nothing to worry about. You're quite good with these things."

With that, Lyle turned around and walked away.


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