Chapter One: Why Tall Cupboards?

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Um, the prologue comes after this for some reason so feel free to read that first.


These short anecdotes are about experiences were we short people can't reach tall objects. These can be not being able to reach the top of the cupboards or not being able to write down on a whiteboard so tall. Anyway, hope you find these stories interesting and relatable. Onwards to Wolfie's story:


May I say, it was quite the day for me. Cupboards and all. I just want to go on a little rant and speak about how unfair the furniture industry is. Why tall cupboards? Why are tall cupboards the general liking by many people? Why not short cupboards, why are they tall? Wouldn't the entirety of humanity be benefitted more by short cupboards?! I mean, look at the statistics, there is probably at least a quarter of the human population that is short. I struggle and yes, I cri. (I don't actually cry).


Anyways, what happened was an extremely long day at school. A very, very, very long day of algebraic equations, essay writing practise and longitudinal waves. I came home alone, as usual, my mother and my younger sister only return after around an hour and I am really hungry as soon as I get back from school. Yeah, you can imagine the pain maths induces on the tummy. It literally growls in a painful hunger. Of course, maths is not all that bad, some people really enjoy the subject although I think it's okay as a subject. Okay is my level in the subject. I dumped my bag down and chucked off my shoes, then went all the way to the cupboard and grabbed a snack and since it's a very cold winter, I had a cold (now thankfully gone) and needed some medicine. The only problem was, they were at the top of the cupboard, the tippiest, toppiest, top. My leg muscles were hurting after an extreme Wednesday fitness session and I could not get a chair and clamber on top of it and then out of pain just fall again and hurt myself even more badly (I hurt myself doing the exact same thing on my bed the day before). I was not, am not, and never will be keen to do that. SO, what did I do?

I did what any sane person would do. I travelled by foot for a mile for days on end and stole a long fishing hook and went all the way back to chuck all the medicines down and finally gain inner peace. I also brought home a big sack of potatoes because that is who I am.

Nope, just kidding. I walked around the house to look for a big stick like it would be there and then just came back to the couch and sulked and got immensely irritated because I was trying so badly to breath through my blocked nose. After waiting for an hour in sorrow and searching up long-dead memes and vines. My mother and sister finally returned and as usual, my mum yelled, "Turn on the TV, it's GRUMPY ALERT, I repeat, the child is GRUMPY!!!"

As usual, I rushed to turn on the TV then went outside where my sister was hiding behind the door as usual. Then I went and fetched her, it's strange, she always tries to trick me even if she's in the worst of moods. I stayed away from her and her scrunched-up-tiger-like-face and went and ranted to my mum about the Vix medicine I was looking for, being up on the highest shelf of the tall cupboard. She then turned around and picked up a Vix jar from the table.


Oh, now I realise. We had two. I was so busy looking for a stick that I did not realise there was a second jar. You know that feeling where you want to jump in the nearest river because you missed something that you were trying to get and spent so much effort, time and pain to get it. It was just there, in plain sight. I am just going to sleep before I go on another rant and tell Galaxy that we are going to write a rant book on EVERYTHING after this. It will be called 'The Cons of Everything'.



Alright, hey y'all (why am I saying this?). Alright, my story. Tall cupboards, sucks! I have so many stories related to this but for the sake of this chapter, me gonna keep it short (pun intended) and I'm gonna do something unrelated to cupboards cause I can (I really just have no funny experiences with cupboards). It happened when I was in Grade six, I think  (I'm pretty sure this happened to me, maybe. IDK). Maybe it was in my younger years but for the sake of this story, I'm gonna say Grade six. It was near the end of school and we're doing math (not even sure if we're doing math. Just gonna say math). We were solving random equations. We were writing our answers in the book when the teacher called on me. Oh crap, I said in my head. I stood up and walked to the whiteboard. I noticed everyone looking at me and why would they not, I'm so hot and beautiful...not. They probably had nothing else to look at so they just stared at me. A frickin 11-year-old walking to the whiteboard two times the size of her. It didn't take me long to get up there as our room is frickin small.

I grabbed the whiteboard marker and took off the cap. That's when I froze and realized that, I can't reach the board. The equation was written up so high that I can't even reach it. My teacher was really tall, K. He was probably, 180 range and I have stupid small, short, twig arms. I stretched my hand up all the way high and there it was. I was writing my answer down like a genius. Everyone in the classroom stood up and cheered and clapped and... psych, I stood there with at least a 20-centimetre gap between the top of my hand and the equation. Everyone in the classroom laughed and nearly died with laughter. I felt so embarrassed and my teacher felt so guilty that he rewrote the equation, so I can see it and write underneath it. I nearly cried while giving the answer. I wrote the answer, done, and walked back up to my desk. I didn't talk to anyone and just did my work until the bell rang.

Anyway, that's my story y'all (still no idea why I'm saying this). I hope you find this story interesting and funny (I really hope it was funny cause I think it's not). Anyway, next time, the next chapter is probably gonna be a pro so look out for that. Anyway, see you guys and remember, that's just a story, a rant-story. Thanks for reading.

(If you don't realise, that was a Matpat reference. I really have to stop doing that) Anyway bye! (;一ω一||)

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