Chapter 30: Taiyang

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I stood in the house for a few minutes, panicking. There was no telling what sort of Grimm could be lurking out there. With only a few more seconds of hesitation, I rushed out the door and towards the forest. There wasn't much light except the moon, but it was enough to see around the area.

"Raven? Where are you?" I asked.

I didn't receive an answer, so I tried again.

"Raven, please... I just want to help."

There was still no sound besides the occasional growl and howl of Grimm. It was then when I heard a sharp snarl behind me. I was quick enough to activate my aura before I felt something slam into my chest. It hit me so hard that I flew back a few feet and slammed into a boulder. I was dazed for a moment before I shakily stood to my feet. Once my vision had adjusted, I saw a Beowolf charging towards me. I clenched my fists and prepared myself for an attack, but before the Beowolf could get a step closer, it abruptly stopped. I noticed the shine of a blade sticking out from its skull. Once the blade was removed, the Beowolf disintegrated. I saw Raven standing a few feet away, the tip of her katana facing me.

She sheathed it quickly and ran to my side.
"Tai! Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I hit that boulder pretty hard. Are you doing alright? I was worried, so I came out here to help."

She nodded. "Yeah. I heard you calling for me. I was afraid you would force me to go back to the house, so I didn't respond at first. I was nearby when that Beowolf was going to attack you, so I decided to take care of it. You're welcome."

I smiled a little. "Thanks. And I won't force you to go back to the house. You wanted to do this mission tonight, so that's what we're going to do. Well, I plan on letting you do most of the fighting. I'll stand by and offer you support. We are a team, after all."

"You'd... let me do most of the fighting?" she asked, her eyes lighting up.

I nodded. "Sure. I'll keep a close eye on you, so you don't have to worry."

She hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry about the way I stormed out before. I just... want to prove that I can do these things."

"Raven, you don't have to prove your strength to me. I'm already aware of how strong you are. My only concern is keeping you safe and happy. Do you understand?" I asked.

Her crimson eyes gazed into mine.
"Yeah. I think so," she said, "thank you for keeping me safe."

I smiled and kissed her gently.
"Anytime. Ready to take care of some Grimm?"

She nodded and we headed deeper into the forest

"I wonder how big the Beowolf pack will be once we find it?" Raven said, as we gazed around the forest.

"I'm hoping not too big. I have sleep to get to."

Raven punched my arm as we walked around a little more. I heard a lot of howling and snarling in the distance.

"I think we might be close. There's tons of howling over there," I said.

We continued to walk forward towards all the noise. Once we reached the clearing, there were around thirty or forty Beowolves roaming around. It wasn't the largest amount I've seen, but I was worried it would cause Raven some trouble.

I turned to her. "Can you handle that many?"

She grinned and unsheathed her katana. "Definitely. I'll have this done shortly."

I watched as she started to slash at the Beowolves. Her katana slashed through them like they were made of butter. She continued to dart between the Beowolves, while at the same time dodging attacks. It still caught me off guard how fast she was able to move. The Beowolves were gone in about fifteen minutes. She walked back over to me, panting a little.

"I think... I might've over did it a bit," she said, gasping between breaths.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I... think so. I just need some rest."

"Would you like me to carry you?"

"...Do you mind?" she asked, her face turning a pale shade of pink in the moonlight.

I smiled and kissed her. "I don't mind at all."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I scooped her up.

We made it back around midnight. Raven was already asleep. I made my way to the master bedroom and pulled back the sheets before laying Raven down. I pulled the sheets back over her and made sure she was comfortable before making my way back downstairs. To be honest, I was too nervous to fall asleep. I had that new job I would be starting in a few days. And the fact the Raven was currently carrying my child. I sat on the couch I placed my head in my hands. Letting Raven do one mission was enough. If I allowed her to do more, there was the chance that she could pick something too difficult. Or something that could end up getting her or our child injured. I knew she wanted to prove her strength, but I was also aware that didn't mean putting herself in danger in the process. I sighed and grabbed the remote.

"I'm going to have to talk to her later," I mumbled to myself as I turned on the TV and started switching through channels.

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