This fine ass nigga walked over to our table "Wassup ma I'm Choppa but you can call me Bryson, how you doing", "I'm Kennedy and I'm doing good how bout you", "I'm doing great now that you here", I laughed at his corny ass, "My nigga is you always this corny " "Only when I see people I'm interested in", I started blushing, "How bout we exchange numbers and I'll hit you up later" "Sound like a plan" I said while trying to hide my smile.
Andre must have really liked that girl because he invited her back to MY house 🙄😒 but it's whatever. Her name was Brooklyn, I didn't mind her here for the first 10 minutes because she was minding her business but after she heard Alex say sum bout "Andre could do better than her, he down graded from you sis" she kept mean mugging me and I think Andre noticed.
Name~ Brooklyn Age~ 18 Race~ Black
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After bout 10 more minutes of her staring I started getting aggravated, "Yo, didn't yo momma teach yo ass not to stare" I said in a aggravated tone, "Bitch ain't nobody staring at yo ugly ass", I started laughing, she gave me an confused face, "First of all I'm nobody's bitch, bitch and second of all I'm FAR from ugly" I stated in a matter of fact tone. "Hoe you just mad because Andre did better when he left you", At this point I was rolling laughing, "Really bitch" I said in between laughs "You arguing with me over a nigga, girl bye me and him never dated" I said while rolling my eyes.
"But I can tell that you want him" "Sorry sweetheart I don't argue over niggas" I said while laughing, "You right I'm done talking get yo ass up" She said while standing ready to fight, "Yo Brook sit yo ass down" Andre said while shaking his head.
"Naw let's go bitch", "Ok bet, I'm not fighting you over no man so remember dat after I'm done beating yo ass, I'm whooping dat ass because you done fucked around and disrespected me" I said right before this bitch was bout to get that ass beat.