Thanks to everyone that gave me good ideas but @203_Cece for giving me the idea for this story 💕.
Most of it will be 3rd person POV so basically like a narrator type of thing.
This will be long, so please excuse any mistakes I make.
Let's get started 🙃.
6 months later ...
Kennedy is 9 months pregnant.
Ready to pop at any moment.
On her 5 month of pregnancy Bryson got drugged & cheated, he's trying his hardest to prevent Kennedy from finding out, he wants to tell her but he can't because he's afraid of what Kennedy might do, little does he know things are just getting started.
Kennedy & Bryson bought a cute condo together, they wanted to start their family.
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Kennedy & Bryson were watching tv when they heard a knock at their door.
Bryson instantly started thinking the worst that maybe the girl came to tell Kennedy he cheated.
Even tho it was almost 4 months since it happened, it still happened & Bryson was terrified.
Kennedy got up to open the door, but Bryson stopped her.
"Baby I got it" he said while taking her hand & kissing it.
"No it's fine I got it" she said smiling sweetly.
"Baby, imma do it, okkay so go sit down" he said in an aggravated tone.
"Don't get knocked out, now move" she said pushing him.
He got scared & walked up stairs waiting in their room for Kennedy to come yelling at him.
5 minutes had past & he didn't hear anything.
He slowly walked down stairs but all he saw was an empty apartment & the door wide open.
He ran toward the door & seen 2 men in a black truck carrying an unconscious Kennedy to the back of their car.
Bryson took off toward the car with his gun but the 2 men had already started speeding off.
Bryson shot 2 bullets the their back tires.
The tires popped but they didn't stop, they just started going even faster.