Part 26

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Shout Out To @realassbitch01 They Hit Me Up Asking For A Update, I Gotchu Sis, Go Ahead And Check Her Out, The Reason I Haven't Been Updating Much Is Because These Stories Take So Damn Long To Write 😞, But Imma Try To Post More 🤪💗!

"Good morning beautiful" I hear Bryson say.

I open my eyes smiling and we were in my room.

"When did we get here" I asked trying to stand up but sitting back down because of the pain in my stomach.

That reminded me of what happened last night, I lost my baby boy.

"We all came back here because the hospital has too many sad vibes" he said while helping me up, then we headed to my bathroom.

As I was brushing my teeth he stands behind me and just holds me from behind.

"You so gorgeous" he says.

I blushed.

"Thank you baby" I said.

I finished brushing my teeth then turned around hugging him.

"Speaking of baby, how you holdin up mamas" he asked.

"I'm so hurt, but not surprised, the doctor's always told me that I would almost never be able to have a baby again" I said as a tear fell from my eye.

"I felt BJ kick, I heard his heart beat, I was that babies first home" I said as my voice cracked because of my crying.

"I know baby girl, I know, but we gotta be strong and I gotta whole nice ass day planned just for you, you been through so much these past days baby" he said while rubbing my back.

"Really, what we doing today" I said getting excitedly.

"Get ready and I'll letchu know okkay" he said.

"Alright but I need to check my computer real quick" I said smiling.

As I walked off I hear him say some.

"Whatchu say??" I asked him.

"I just said you lookin thicc mamas" he said while slapping my ass.

"Ouch nigga!" I simi yelled.

We both started laughing.

I opened my laptop to check if any of my professors put out any work.

Yes I do online college, in fact Me and Alex do online collage.

I know my life is "made for me" but I'm not bout that drug dealer life, y'all should obviously know why 👀.

My passion is medical, I'll be able to help people.

I seen that I had finished all my work already so I went to get dressed.



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