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So I was with this guy his name was Timothy. He was my everything until he said he just wanted to be friends but he is not talking to me anymore. He has a new girl. 

But my problem is that 

Tim's friends are fucking controlling his life. He doesn't think it's a bad thing cuz he doesn't want them to stop talking to him. He NEEDS them. Like it is so fucking annoying when I see them in the halls he looks at me with sad ass eyes and looks a way but his friends look at him with a mad ass look. The other day I walked passed him in the hall and he looked at me so I smiled at him. His best friend Alex looked at him and said " Dude why did she smile at you. Can't she just leave you the fuck alone." He said " Idk I looked at her, when she looked at me I looked away" Alex said " Why the fuck are you looking at her anyway." He said "Idk." They had this whole convo while I was right next to them.  

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