Chapter 1 : The Creation Of Gems

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I am White Diamond. The Perfect Gem. I Create things that are perfect and fix which are not.
The First Gem I created by my light was my pearl. She would help me things get done and call me God.I Created a planet for all gems called " HomeWorld ". Millions of Gems Were Made and all knew what they had to do.
They Would Obey Me. I made a ship for my self. It was Hydraulic Space Time Ship but it could have been better.
My Rubies Defended Homeworld from any non - perfect gem. They were armed with there little swords
Then Were the Peridots. They would build Space Time machines and Contact Across Galaxies To Find A Gem Rich World. They built the warp pads and my ship
I Had Sapphires that I would give  to important people to keep personal. They would tell the future.
Amythest were Construct The Ideas/Blueprints that the peridots made. The Could shape - shift  into a stronger self.
Others were normal townspeople

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