I am Pink Diamond I am a bubbly, over-friendly Gem, showing excitement at the idea of contacting a fleet. I apparently (thats what the diamonds told me) had an assertive personality, expressing her feelings quite loudly most likely to display her beliefs that she belonged to the Great Diamond Authority.
I rejected the Gem hierarchy and was extremely informal with My servants. I treated everyone equally, being somewhat exasperated at My Pearl's overly formal nature and instead acting as her friend.
I Finally confessed Yellow that I want a planet by saying " You have so many worlds, and I don't even have one! It's not fair! I. Want. One! I want my own army! I want my own planet! I deserve it! I'm just as important as you!"
Yellow Gave Me Earth.
I wanted to greet and play around with her Gems emerging on Earth.
I had a bright, positive and adventurous personality that wanted nothing more than to explore Earth and have fun with her fellow Gems.
One Day I saw humans.
A Human Call Greg Showed me around Earth And then I saw The beauty of Earth.
I pleaded with the other Diamonds to spare Earth but they refused to actually listen each time, Blue even creating a zoo stuffed full of living humans to preserve some of the life from Earth, so I decided to become a rebel in the form of her Quartz disguise and took up the alias "Rose Quartz".
I created a false origin story for Me . Rose Quartz self which was that I was another ordinary Quartz created on Earth who fulfilled my duties until becoming fascinated by the organic life on Earth and rebelling against Homeworld to defend it.

Homeworld's Beginning
FanfictionThis is a fanfic of Steven universe.This is before Steven Universe. White Diamond is waiting for first gem to emerge Enjoy!