Chapter 2 : The Order Of The Diamonds

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When I was finished with the normal people I moved onto more important people like diamonds. Of course they were much weaker then me but I wanted to expand my Empire.
I created Yellow and Blue Diamond.
Homeworld reputes Yellow Diamond as a perfectly logical and rational leader, though in reality she is vindictive and quick to anger.
Blue Diamond's debut portrays her as a very mellow Diamond who treats high-ranking members of her court with respect. 
Yellow And Blue Both Expand The Empire and Colonized them with Respect For Me.
They Both Had Pearls Sapphire's and other gems around there planet.
The Great Diamond Authority is the matriarchal body of Gem leaders. Its membership roster consists of White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond. They are the absolute ruling power over the Gem Homeworld and any of its active colonies.
I Ordered my Peridots to build Galaxy Warps Around Our Planets to make things easier.
As we Expanded we got An excessive amount of resources so we could Build Millions of Kindergartens,Ocean Spiers, Trial Buildings.etc.
The Great Diamond Authority has complete control over every Gem and their race's endeavors. Each Diamond seems to be responsible for overseeing a specific part of Homeworld society. The Diamonds split Gems up into groups; some belonging to Yellow, others to Blue and more to White. Gems wear a colored Diamond emblem on their outfit corresponding to the 
Our Empire Was Perfect

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