01 | we have phones now?

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> thursday, 5:03 pm

albus : hey

albus: where are you rn? you're not in your dorm

scorpius: I'm at the Quidditch Pitch

albus: what are you doing at the quidditch pitch-

albus: you hate quidditch

scorpius: I'm watchiNG😤

scorpius: Slytherin is playing today


Scorpius shut his phone off, ignoring whatever Albus would have replied with. He tucked his phone in his pocket, and he positioned himself more comfortably on the benches. He really was at the Quidditch Pitch, but he wasn't watching the game- he was watching Rose.

Small blurs of students flew past his head, and balls were flapping against the wind wildly. Every so often, a Beater - most likely Rose - would hit a Bludger, and Scorpius would cheer in triumph.

Scorpius watched quietly as all the other students cheered and screamed. He tried not to make it too obvious that he was there, otherwise Rose would fly all the way over to him just to kick his shins.

But he loved when she did that. Absolutely loved it.

Scorpius stared at Rose, who was aggressively flying after a bludger at full speed. Scorpius thought she was the best Beater Hogwarts had ever recruited. As Rose flew around a Slytherin, Scorpius' phone jittered; Albus had messaged him.


albus: so uh, you weren't lying

scorpius: I told you-

albus: wow, you're so happy that you're right, hm?

scorpius: What do you mean?

albus: i see you smiling at ur phone lmao

albus: it's cute

scorpius: Okay, loser

scorpius: I don't see you?


Suddenly, a soft hand was placed on Scorpius' shoulder. Scorpius looked up, hissing, because his eyes were immediately blinded by the burning sun. But, then he positioned his head lower, and saw Albus standing before him, grinning.

"Just wanted to see if you were lying," Albus whispered, and winked. He sat down next to Scorpius, and his face softened. The Pitch was covered in players, with figures of red and green blotches zooming past. "So, Gryffindor and Slytherin, eh? We're going to win, they're complete rubbish."

Scorpius turned to him. He folded his hands in his lap. "They aren't that bad, they're going to win because of Rose."

"Meaning?" Albus asked.

"She's the only good player. She practically plays everybody else's positions too. Except for Seeker. But we all know she'd excel at that, as well."

"We get it, you're in love with her." Albus spoke quietly, he didn't trust himself with how his tone would sound. Fortunately, it sounded as if Albus was joking.

A cheer resonated across the Pitch- a Gryffindor Beater finally hit a Bludger.

Scorpius chuckled, slightly disoriented from the loud screaming. He pulled Albus closer to him. Albus smiled softly, and nodded his head.

"Yeah," Scorpius teased. "but not as much as I'm in love with you."

He was joking. Just joking.

That made Albus' heart pierce.

Scorpius had become flirtatious the more he hung around Albus, and it always confused Albus drastically. Every admiring remark Scorpius made towards Albus wasn't true— or, at least, it wasn't to Scorpius. On the contrary, every comment Albus made about Scorpius was true, but Scorpius didn't know that.

And Albus planned on keeping it that way.

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