Ch. 6

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Waking up with sun shining on your face is an amazing feeling. Waking up in Malibu on you Spring Break is fucking awesome. Now remembering you won't be able to stay long because of 4 guys kind of puts a damp in the whole awesomeness.
I signed at the thought and got off the bed. Might as well make use of the time we have being here.
I went the beautiful suite bathroom attached the the bedroom and I'm in awe of the interior design.
I decided to take a a shower and get dress.  As I was doing my hair the girls came in and sat on my bed giving me puppy eyes.
I give them a sideway glance. "What?"
Jessica was the one to speak up, "This place is so pretty. And we worked our ass off to get here."

We really did. Our parents made sure we raise
some money. Kassi worked at a book store, Lori did retail, I worked at the recreation center and Jessica was a waitress at diner by her house. Jessica hated waiting tables but her parents said everybody should always wait tables at least one time in their life, so she did what her parents advised her to do.

"So what are getting at?" I asked.
"Why do we have to leave? Why are they not force to get out?" Jessica whined
I get her point. They didn't even try to call their family and see other option for them.
I shrugged my shoulder walking up to them and sat on my bed.
"What other options do we have?"
My three best friends all looked at each other with mischievous smile on their faces.
"We can stay and make them want to leave?" Lori suggested.
"How do make them want to leave?"
"We can act super annoying and very obnoxious." Lori answer.
I laughed at their plan. "Okay so you want to be petty little annoying teenage girls to drive them out?"
All three said yes at the same time.
Wow they really are serious.
"How long have ya though about this?"
"This morning." Kasi spoke out this time.
She nudge Lori's head. "This one is twisted. But I agree. We shouldn't have to leave. Why are we twisting our plan, so these guys can have fun and we have to go home." Kasi ranted out.
"Okay, I understand but what happens if we don't drive them out?"
"Well we tried. I'll admit our defeat." Kasi says.
"Hell no. We will drive them out, you hear me girls. I did not get mash potatoes in my hair once a week, or get milkshake handprint on my boobs to not enjoy spring break. Do you hear me? No backing down." Jessica said.

I mean, if my friends are determined to do this, might as well do it with them. Maybe we can convince them to leave. Lori and Jessica are hard to handle and be around with. Kasi is a determined girl, once she's set her mind on somebody, she gives all her best.
All my friends were looking at me and seeing what I was going say.
"Okay." I finally said. The girls scream as if we already won.

After 10 minutes talking we decided to go downstairs. It's about 9 am and we planned going to the strip and the beach. But we wanted to have breakfast first. We didn't really buy any food so we expected to eat out. As reach the main floor, we heard the boys.

"I don't understand why we're making extra." One of the voice.
"Because it's the common nice thing to do." I remembered that voice. It was Jordan.
We heard some snickering.
"Are you sure it wasn't because you eye fucking the short Burnett hair girl?" A deeper voice asked.
"Shut up, and her name is Alexis." Jordan said.
We were hidden from view but we could hear everything clearly. And my heart was racing because Jordan was being nice when I'm trying to shove them out of this house. I felt bad already.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jessica, she gave a smile. I think she understood how I didn't like the plan was heading so far.
"The girls are pretty though. I'm not going to complain about being in unsupervised house with four very good looking girls." One of the guys said.
"And now we are back at being a dick." Said the deeper voice. "While we are under the roof with this ladies, let's not scare them." He continues.
"Way to suck the fun Aaron. I saw you looking at them. But your eyeing the one with heavy suitcase. I'll be careful with that. It might be a body in their." One of the guys said.
Lori, Jessica and I all turn to Kasi wide eyed. Kasi cheeks were all shades of pink.
"When the hell are they going to come down. I'm fucking starving." A voice said.

I guess we should come out in hiding. Jessica raised three fingers up silently., then one down and another and we no fingers were up we came around the corner.

"Hey boys! What are you guys doing?" Jessica cheerfully greeted.
"We made breakfast. Please come sit and let eat. Some people usually have breakfast at 8." Lucas said. He was the voice the first voice we heard.
All us girls looked at each other.
"We made plenty. So we have enough for all 8 of us." Jordan spoke out. My eyes instantly met his and I saw a sparkle in them.
"For goodness sake. Eat or not I'm eating." I remember that was Tyler.
He got up and grab a plate and sat at the dining table where all the foods are.
"Yeah let eat." Kasi answered.
We all grabbed a plate and sat down.
The boys really did cook. There was toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and fruit.
I was eating till I notice Jessica nudge me. She was eating sloppy. I look at Kasi, and she was wide eyed as I was. Lori burped and all the boys stared at them disgusted.
I guess this was their first act of plan. I didn't think we would start after they made breakfast for us.
"Oh hell yes. Gentlemen my ass. I like how ya ladies think." Tyler put down his utensils and grab a handful of scramble eggs and stuffed them in his mouth.and that's not all. He looked over Jessica and gave a wink.
Unexpected was an understatement.
Somebody cleared his throat and it was Aaron. "Because I'm on the verge of throwing up can we eat with our utensils." He said.
I nod my head in agreement.
With that we continued our breakfast. I wonder what the girls were thinking, clearly eating like pigs didn't work. What other things will they think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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