➵ Tyler Joseph - I'll Try To Save You

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Y/N - Your Name
Y/EC - Your Eye Colour
Y/SC - Your Skin Colour

Reader: Female
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and mentions of self harm
Word Count: 2846

Another Tyler imagine? Yes. I think so ;)

3rd Person POV

Y/N and Tyler had known each other throughout high school and middle school. She had been there at his first ever basketball game. She had encouraged his music career and helped him practice for his talent show. She had introduced him to Josh and proposed the idea that he could join Tyler's band when the other two members had left. She had seen him through his darkest days. She had taken him on fun days out that she couldn't really afford just to see him smile. She would come to his window at night to bring him food when she knew that he hadn't been eating. She had been there at the sink when... you know.
She had saved him in more ways than he could count.

Every time the other broke down crying, they would be there in an instant.

To Tyler's audience, he was best friends with Josh. But to everyone behind the scenes, Y/N and Tyler were closer.

Recently the two had drifted apart, Tyler and Josh were on tour whereas Y/N was still working in Columbus. A month had gone by and the texts that had been sent between the two could be counted on one hand. The singer yearned for contact with the girl he'd grown so close to, he didn't know why he'd let distance grow between them.
He wasn't entirely dependent on her, but she was his rock. With every passing day he could feel his sanity eroding. The long hours in the tour bus drained his energy and trapped him inside his own dark thoughts with the silence. Of course, Josh was there for him. And he loved Josh. Just not as much as he loved Y/N.
Not even close.

That's why it broke him so much when her number appeared on his phone screen as she tried to call him, it must've been about 3am back in Columbus so he didn't hesitate to pick up the phone. His heart instantly lurched as he listened to Y/N's frantic breathing and stifled crying.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Tyler panicked immediately, praying that she wasn't hurt and that nothing had happened to her.

"I did something stupid... I couldn't help myself... I just feel so... so lost and worthless. I can't live like this Tyler!" The girl choked out.

Every ounce of colour drained from his face.
Where Y/N had been there for all of Tyler's achievements and dark days, he had shared hers too;
He had offered his hand out to her when he found her crying in the corridor during a lesson. He had held her as she cried for hours after being dumped by her first boyfriend. He had held her hair as she threw up all of the alcohol that she had consumed one night. He had taken all the razor blades out of her house and wrapped her arms in bandages after finding her surrounded by blood in her bathroom. He had taken her to her first ever therapy session. He had played her music to help her get to sleep. He had taken her out of her house on late night trips to sing along to the radio in his car as they sped through the city. He had gone camping with her family so that she wouldn't be stuck there alone. He had always cracked a joke wherever he could because he thought her smile was too beautiful to not exist. He had thought that he'd helped her get better.

"What did you do Y/N? Are you safe?" Tyler asked quietly, not wanting to provoke a reaction.

"There's blood everywhere... I stopped it for now... it doesn't hurt though Tyler... I thought it would hurt. Why can't I feel it Tyler? My world's crashing down around me, nothing's happening anymore. I can't do it. I want it to stop. It's been years Tyler. Nothing ever goes away." The last few sentences were whispered bitterly through shaky breaths, but just loud enough that he could hear it.

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