➵ Tyler Joseph - You Don't Belong Here

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(Y/N) - Your name

Reader: I always picture the reader as female because that what I am but I don't think it actually says so whatever floats your boat I guess
Warnings: Underage drinking, bullying - nothing really severe in my opinion, plus some swearing.
Word count: 4516


I walked through the loud school halls, casually laughing and joking with my group of friends.
We were the popular kids.
We could walk down the middle of the hallway and part the crowd like the Red Sea; we all had respect here. Our group mostly consisted of guys, but their classic cheerleader girlfriends often tagged along. I didn't mind, but I suppose I preferred things a few years ago when status wasn't an issue among our group.

Brad was a quarterback on the football team. He was a classic bully and I found myself having to physically restrain him most days so that he wouldn't beat up freshmen. He always wore a varsity jacket paired with a white shirt and blue denim jeans, he hardly wore anything else except for special occasions. His brown hair was always gelled into place and like every other high school villain, he was tall, white, and very muscular.
Steven was also on the football team, and was the jokester of the group. I was probably the closest with him than anybody else due to the simple fact that he was the nicest. The two of us always got along quite well when he wasn't poking fun at others alongside his friends. The only time he was ever remotely mean was when Brad was beating somebody up and he would get carried away. Steven also wore a matching jacket to his fellow teammate but would wear more colourful t-shirts underneath to match his bubbly personality. He had curly hair that bounced around in short curly locks above his gorgeously freckled face. His skin was more tanned than Brad's but still a nice white privileged shade.
Chris was another Brad, they could have been the same person had they not looked so different. The only thing they didn't have in common personality wise was that Chris had been kicked off the football team and used up all his extra energy by jumping people. We used to be good friends until something changed one day and his violent tendencies over ruled his nice ones.
Jessica was dating Chris and seemed to be a permanent attachment to our group, everything about her was basic from head to toe. I couldn't describe her if you paid me, there was no personality to describe, she was just a pretty face. Her skirt was shorter than most cared to acknowledge and there was always three buttons undone her on her shirt. She had rich, dark skin with gorgeous curly hair and was unfortunately the prettiest girl I knew. It was a shame that someone who looked so good all the rime was such a shitty person.
Alex was the school drug dealer. Every day he would come to school stoned out of his mind but since his parents funded the school nobody really cared. I didn't much like Alex, he could be violent one minute and dead silent the next. You'd think all the drugs would lighten him up but it was very rare to see him smile. Alex never really had a specific style, he just wore whatever expensive clothes he could find in the morning when he woke up. His skin was a sickly shade of white, he would have been quite attractive had he not wasted himself away on drugs. It was a shame that most of my friends were now such a mess.

I on the other hand was the peacekeeper of the group. I didn't mind Brad jeering at people every now and then, but if it turned into harassment I was always the first to come to the rescue. I had broken up more fights than I could count and dragged him away from too many helpless teenagers. I was always first to tell Steven that he was being a jerk, and constantly found myself comforting teenage girls in bathrooms that had fallen victim to Jessica's cruel bullying. From time to time I would help Alex sober up for a test or help him study when he couldn't focus, but recently I could see he was becoming a lost cause.

Needless to say, I had the best reputation out of the lot and I carried that with me. I was the only person in our group who had earned respect rather than forced it or had it brought upon us accidentally. But my dark sense of style often caused people to leave me alone, I certainly didn't look approachable. Outside of my group I was quiet and brooding, not caring for the rest of the world to see me in my happier state. I was always ready to be there for someone, but I enjoyed being left alone.

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