Chapter 2: Nice Going, Genghis

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These edits are chugging along at a slow pace, and for that I apologize.  Once again, CAN I GET AN AMEN?

You jumped backwards, hoping to land on the railing. You did for moments before being headbutted by a certain bat and falling backwards. Quickly pulling out a large piece of fabric, your hands held it in such a way that it acted like a paraglider. Safely landing on the forest ground below, you wrapped it around yourself as if it were a cloak. As you sprinted away, your thoughts beat yourself silly alongside the other you. 'I messed up badly! That was a simple slip that nearly cost me my life!'

'Indeed, [Y/N]. What happened to you to make you so flustered?'

'Romance, Umbra. Romance.'

'Were we with the same cat?'

'I'm not talking about romance, I'm talking about him mentioning the word "romance". He said "romance", and I find that word hilarious, to be honest.'

'It is hilarious, but that's besides the point. You've got the brains and the brawn to be a successful spy. You can do it as long as you—watch out!'

Too late you realized that someone was standing up ahead, and you ran straight into them before rebounding back onto your back. You slowly rose to your feet, clutching your head. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching my step—!" You realized who you had run into. "Time to go!" you told yourself, turning around and taking a step forward to run only to be yanked back by your makeshift cloak. Mao Mao wordlessly tossed you onto your back and planted a foot on your stomach to keep you down. He pointed his katana at your throat.

Something about this situation you had found yourself in made you start to cry. You had no idea where it was coming from.

The feline sighed and said, "Stop crying. You're actually starting to make me feel bad about this."

"So y-you care about me, then?"

"I never hated you."

"And yet you p-point your sword at me."

"..." After a somewhat long silence, Mao Mao said, "You're a villain and I'm a hero."

"So?" Giving him a rather cocky smile as you grabbed the gold blade and maneuvered it away from your neck, you calmly continued, "There has to be some sort of way to defeat me and show your care for me."

More silence followed as he thought about what to do. His foot left your stomach before he crouched down next to you, helping you sit up. "Give me your bloody hand."

"'Bloody'?" You obliged to the sheriff's command and caught sight of the gashes on your fingers and palm. "Oh. How sharp do you keep your blade?" you asked him, both amazed and repulsed at how easily it had cut you.

"Sharper than you keep your brain, apparently." He carefully slashed off a small corner of his cape and wrapped the scarlet fabric around your hand. "You know, you remind me of someone named [Y/N]."

"Your brain has to be duller than an eraser, because I am [Y/N]," you said, smiling. "I was wondering when you would make the connection so I could tell you about my love for you, but..." At the look of shock on Mao Mao's face, you giggled lightheartedly. "Let me guess: "they" were here for two weeks some time ago, "you two"—really meaning "we"—spent time together and stopped plenty of threats for Pure Heart Valley, and before your relationship could get serious, "they" had to go. Does that about sum it up?"

He slowly nodded, staring at your face, then the ground, then your face again, then the sky... "If you're really [Y/N], then...tell me my name."

"I'll do you one better: Mao Mao, Mao Mao Mao, Mao, Maoi Wowie, Hex: Haunted Mao—"

'Big Maoc!'

"Big Mao—nope."


Mao Mao rose to his feet before helping you up. "So it's really you, huh?"

"Yup!" You nodded and bounced on the balls of your feet.

He smiled. "Then that makes your cover story much easier."

"Ah, good ol' corrupt government—ow," you exclaimed, rubbing the spot on your head that Mao Mao had just swatted. "Not to mention abusive—ow."

"I am not corrupt and abusive!" he shouted at you, suddenly angry.

"There's the explosive cat I've been missing!"

"Alright, you've just lost your talking privileges."



[Discontinued] Mao Mao x Spy! Reader: Spying for the Enemy, Flying with my CrushWhere stories live. Discover now