Chapter 9: Jacka-cid

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'What the hell were you thinking, jumping off a cliff like that?'

'Shut up. You know that we can save him.' You dove towards your boyfriend, hair flapping wildly in the wind. He wasn't flailing around, so that was good, since it made it easier for you to grab him from around the waist.

"[Y/N], you jumped after me!" The small smile on his face was quickly replaced with a look of outrage. "Why did you—"

"Shush. If you want to keep your backside from melting, list a location for me. Preferably one that I've been to."

"Um. Oh, my house!"

"Perfect! Describe it to me using all five senses, quickly!"

"Um...there's...the smell...of wood! And birds chirp loudly!"

You concentrated and blinked. "That's the forest, dumb dumb!!" The acid at the bottom was now in view.

"Hey! Hmm...a-ha! There's the verandah! It gives a perfect view of the valley and the forest and the smell of wood is always present! Colorful fabrics sometimes hang from the rafters, the air tastes refreshing, birds chirp from above your head! The wood is a little worn from all the weather it's experienced!" The acid's heat was hitting you quite hard. "And...and...and the smell of the breakfast Badgerclops sometimes cooks is astounding!"

At the word breakfast, your stomach growled. You concentrated on what was given, and you could practically smell the slightly rotten wood. A tug on your abdomen made you smile in determination. The intense warmth that the corrosive from below offered you made it hard to blink, but you managed to close your teary eyes. "Close your eyes!"

"What?! How is that—"

"I can't save you without you closing your eyes, Mao Mao! Trust me on this!"

"I...I...alright!" A second later, you felt yourself being pulled through time and space. You gritted your teeth, and you could hear Mao Mao screaming quite loudly. A burning sensation enveloped your right foot, but you thought nothing of it. The verandah's qualities started invading your senses, and you gratefully sighed internally. Then the both of you hit the hard, sturdy wood floor.

"Ow. Oh, shiitake, I got a splinter in my finger." You held your index finger in pain, biting back curses.

Mao Mao sighed and rolled his eyes, but nonetheless rose to his knees and grabbed your hand by the wrist. "Stay still, [Y/N]." Using his index finger and his thumb, he firmly grasped the bit of wood and quickly wrenched it out of your forefinger. He quickly threw it over the edge of the verandah. "There you go."

Already recovered, you tackled the feline into a hug and cuddled him. "Thank you!"

"I know that you could have taken it out yourself."

"So do I, but it wouldn't have gotten a hug from you, would I?"

"I guess not." He stood up and helped you stand. "Now, come on! We have to find Adorabat and Badgerclops!"

"Alright!" You took a step forward with your right foot and tumbled to the ground, yelping in pain. "Ow, ow!" When you saw what was wrong with your foot, you uttered an actual scream. It was the first time you had ever screamed due to an injury.

As he turned around, Mao Mao chuckled, "[Y/N], you don't need to scream over another—OH MY LORD, WHAT THE EVERLASTING FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR FOOT?!"

"I don't know!" you wailed, the monstrosity that was your foot turning worse by the second. It was a bloody, raw mess with missing parts of skin patterned all over. "I-I just felt a b-burning sensation when we t-teleported! I don't know what happened! I—I—!" You slowly started to black out, but before you could, the ebony feline grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you violently. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"Stay up, [Y/N]! You can't faint right now!" He picked you up and gave you a piggyback ride inside and sat you down on the couch. "I'll be back in a second with an acid kit. Just—just focus on different things in the room!" With that, he ran off, leaving you alone with an apparently melted foot.

"Ow, ow. Let's see—ow!" You scanned the room, hoping to find something that would hold your focus for awhile. Unfortunately, your search yielded no fruit. "Dang it! What—ow—what else is there for me to do?"

'You could always laugh maniacally. That helps me stay up.'

'Why aren't you in pain?'

'Because neither your head or heart is in danger.'

'Can't you be bothered to take care of the organs that you don't reside in?'


'Thanks for being such a big help.'

'Remember, the keys to maniacal laughing are small starts and big finishes!'

Keeping this in mind, you deeply inhaled, storing as much air as your lungs could manage to hold. Then you started to giggle, as if you had just heard the best joke and found it somewhat funny; your giggles grew into laughs, loud and proud, before going on to form full-on evil cackles. The pain in your foot seemed to lessen greatly, so you kept it up, making sure to stop for air whenever necessary.

You were laughing so hard that you didn't notice Mao Mao return until he grabbed you by the shoulders again and pushed you down onto your back, laying you down on the couch's soft but firm cushions. "I don't know what's so funny to you, but if it's keeping you up, I won't question it." He set the acid kit down on the floor and opened it. "Let's see..." The sheriff searched the box, muttering under his breath.

Your laughs died down. "I'm...I'm tired after all that laughing, Mao Mao. I'm—" You yawned. "I'm so tired."

"Oh, no you don't, [Y/N]!" He sharply swatted your injured foot, making you yelp and jump up.

"Why'd you do that?!"

"Because you were falling asleep. Don't make me do it again."

"You're mean!" you whined, crossing your arms and holding back tears.

"I've been called worse." The ebony feline lit up and raised a small bottle full of aqua-green liquid. "Found it!" He uncapped it and poured a little bit of it onto your foot. Almost instantly, your mutilated skin drank it up upon contact.

"It stings a little. Nothing I can't handle." You glanced at him. "This is supposed to sting, right?"

"It'll get worse." Mao Mao grabbed a roll of gauze and started wrapping it around your foot. "For now, it'll be tame."

"Great! So...when are we going to fight?"

"Whenever you're ready."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get that jacka-cid!"

[Discontinued] Mao Mao x Spy! Reader: Spying for the Enemy, Flying with my CrushWhere stories live. Discover now