🖤where he likes to kiss you🖤

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Cam loves to kiss you on the top of your head. Since Cam is practically a mountain compared to you he will just bend down and press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.

Toby loves to kiss your cheek. She loves how it makes you blush and how gentle the kiss is in general.

Mason is well Mason and he likes- no loves- kissing your neck. It doesn't matter when or where if you two are close he is probably kissing your neck.

Matt is a sweetheart and he loves to kiss your forehead. He will press a gentle kiss on it when you guys are in public and even when you guys are alone.

Jay is a simple man and he loves to kiss your lips. No matter if they are chapped or smooth or soft he loves to kiss your lips.

Eric can be cocky and when he is he loves to kiss your collarbones. Like mason it doesn't matter if you guys are in public or not if he wants to show affection he will kiss your collarbones.

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