A Rescue Gone Wrong

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Ahsoka let Vader swing first. His saber came down above her, and she mustered all the power she had to block it and push him away.

It's just another sparring practice, Ahsoka said to herself as she blocked his jab at her side. His swings were uncharacteristically wide, probably due to the suit's depth distortion.

It's just another sparring practice. She swung high, but his saber deflected hers with ease. He swung at her legs, but she jumped out of the way.

It's just another sparring practice.

And so it continued, neither party willing to give in to fatigue.

Their sabers locked. Vader brought down all his strength on her, trying to get her to break. She fought back as hard as she could, but he was stronger than she was. She let the force flow through her, giving her the energy she needed to push him away and swing at his face, sawing off half his helmet. He fell to his knees, and Ahsoka stood above him, catching her breath.

Lux struggled again. She pushed the trooper back using the force and closed the door, trapping him on the other side. Now, all that stood between them was Vader.

She ran past Vader and knelt beside Lux. After removing his gag, she used her lightsaber to break his handcuffs.

"I'm beginning to think I should've let you spend more time on a plan," he said with a soft smile of relief.

She kissed him on the cheek. "You were right about the missing piece, though. I didn't think that—"

Lux's eyes widened. "Ahsoka, look out!"

She whipped around ready to defend herself, but it was too late. Vader's lightsaber pierced through her stomach, and she fell to her knees.

Time stopped.

"NO!" Lux yelled, catching Ahsoka as she fell backwards.

The searing pain was almost too much to bear. Almost.

"Anakin," she whispered, "you said that you'd never let anyone hurt me. Why are you doing this?'

He stood up. His face was visible through the mask now. He was the same he had always been, except thinner, paler, and angrier. His eyes were a sickly shade of yellow. The dark side had taken her master away, and she wanted him back.

"Is this what Padme would've wanted?"

He was taken aback. For a second, his eyes returned to their normal shade of blue. "Padme," be whispered.

Ahsoka rose to her feet—a painful endeavor—and seized her opportunity. Using the force to guide her, she stabbed him in the same place.

He staggered back and fell to his knees as Ahsoka collapsed.

Lux rushed to her side and clutched her hand. "Come on, Ahsoka. Stay with me."

She squeezed his hand, wincing as the pain intensified. "This... this sucks."

He nodded. "I know, love, but you have to hang on for a few more minutes. Just until the others find us."

"Lux, I can't—"

"Yes you can."

Her feet went numb, and she slowly lost feeling in her legs. Black spots danced across her field of vision. "I can't feel my feet."

She heard footsteps down the hall.

"See? Help is almost here."

He was right. She could sense another familiar presence, but she didn't have the strength to tell who it was.

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